"Touche." Alex huffed as he leaned his head against the window.

Kiley noticed the sigh and turned around, "Hey, are you okay?"

Alex stayed looking out the window, "Yeah I'm just not in the mood for school, or talking today."

"Isn't that you every day?" Magnolia attempted to lighten the mood as Alex shot her a mock glare but offered her a smile to let her know he wasn't serious.

Kiley ignored the comment still focused on Alex, "Is that it? You kind of seem upset." But Alex just stayed silent, "Is it Paige?" Kiley asked with some venom detectable. Magnolia wanted to tell Kiley about the conversation earlier but couldn't with Alex's mood being bad because of the girl.  

"No, it's... You guys remember how I told you about that girl who moved in?" Alex asked them.

"Uh, yeah?" Kiley gave Magnolia an eye-roll as the latter smirked.

Alex's sassiness was evident in his voice, "Well," He sighed, "Cole."

"What'd Prince Charming do now?" Magnolia asked snickering.

"Nothing yet but-" He trailed off, "You guys know what he's like."

"What do you care?" Kiley asked rhetorically as she looked back at him, "Oh my god," She tapped Magnolia's arm. "You're not- not again?" 

Magnolia glanced at the boy from her rearview mirror as he looked away guiltily from Kiley who had turned around in her seat to look at him while still squeezing Magnolia's arm, "Do you like her?" 

"No." He was defensive, too defensive too fast.

"Oh my god." Magnolia slammed on her braked by accident, luckily on the backroads. 

"Alex!" Kiley meant to as an exclamation but it ended up coming out as an accusation. 

"I said no, just- Mags keep driving you almost killed us." 

"One, don't tell me what to do. Two, the roads are empty, and three, Alex!!" Magnolia yelled the boy's name as she rolled his eyes, brushing her off. "Alex I'm serious you can't just start liking this girl." 

"She's not just some girl, she's a real person, and who are you to tell me who I can like? " Alex spat back.

"It's not that- I'm not." She turned around in her seat to look at the boy, "Alex a few months ago you were heartbroken over Paige and I don't think a rebound is going to make you feel better again, she's a real girl with feelings." Her voice had raised as she got upset.

Alex opened his mouth to protest but Kiley cut him off attempting to make peace, "Guys, come on this is stupid, also it's getting late and lunch will be over by the time we get back.

Magnolia huffed as she turned around in her seat, how could she lose her cool like that? Who does that? She couldn't have pretended to be happy, hey maybe he's actually moving on. Magnolia was proud of him, but part of her wished he was still hung up on a girl she knew wouldn't come back instead of a new girl.

Magnolia parked in the lot as the three got out and back to the school. As Kiley went on Magnolia grabbed Alex's sleeve tugging him back. "Hey," She started.

"What Mags?" Alex huffed out.

"I said everything wrong and I didn't mean it the way it came out I just-" She took in a deep breath, "I'm proud that you're over her." Slowly Magnolia looked back up at the boy as he smiled his signature toothy grin.

"Thanks Mags. I'm also sorry about getting upset I know you're just looking out for me." He hugged the girl, stepping away just as the bell rang, "Okay I gotta get to class but I'll call you later." 

"Okay now go, I'm getting sick looking at you," She lightly pushed the boy toward his class as she walked off to hers as well. 

Walking into her next period Magnolia sat in her seat. "Hey, partner, couldn't help but notice you were late today." Her partner whispered annoyingly

"I was doing something." She whispered back, annoyed.

"Most likely someone. My brother, perhaps?" Cole asked teasingly.

"Ow wow 'perhaps' that's a big word for you Walter." 

"No denying it?" 

"I'm sensing some jealousy in that tone," Magnolia turned to face the boy, "I don't know if you know this but not everyone is dying to sleep with you, Cole."

"Don't flatter yourself, Blake. Anyways you're a statistics girl, right?" He didn't give her a chance to answer "Well, statistics tell me you're wrong." 

"How would you know, you're not even passing." Magnolia scoffed.

Cole looked down with a smirk, "Got me there." 

"Point for me, one to zero." 

"For today," Cole looked over at the girl smiling. "Were you actually late because of Alex?" She didn't answer, "Maggie?"

Magnolia sighed, "We got in an argument earlier- kind of, but anyway we were just making up." 

"More like making out," Cole laughed at his joke. "Who was it about?" 

"What makes you think it was about someone?" Magnolia asked kind of astounded. 

"Last time you guys fought was over Paige," The blonde pointed out.

Magnolia had to admit he wasn't as dumb as he acted, "He likes a new girl."

"So? You know he's not going to go for you," Cole pointed out, there was no resistance from the girl as she knew it was the truth.

"I know but you know how he is when he has a crush, unbearable like I don't want to hear about her  all the time now." She threw the words up, they spewed out without control.

"So are you going to tell me who?" Cole asked.

"I'm sworn to secrecy." Magnolia rolled her eyes

"If you tell me then maybe we can help each other out," Cole suggested.

Rolling her eyes the girl glared over at the boy, "What're you talking about?" 

Cole simply smirked as he took his attention away and turned it to the teacher who had been lecturing though neither of them had been paying attention. 

Magnolia would have to wait until after class to hear Cole's little scheme. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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