chapter 3 - never trust a rebel

Start from the beginning

"it's all dangerous" right after he says this, coriolanus plays record on the recorder.
"they're just doing what anybody else would do, coryo. the leader, spruce, he wants to get his sister, lil, out of jail on base. hoff is going to execute her just because she's knows the man that they killed. it's wrong. i'm gonna help them get her out."
"it's treason, sejanus."
"nobody's gonna get hurt. i'm just doing what you told me to do at the arena."
coriolanus walks closer to sejanus.
"i was just trying to save you the first time you did something stupid enough to ruin my life. what if they catch you bringing this woman off base?"
"it's worth the risk to do the right thing"
"for you. your father will just buy your way out of it like he always does. while ill be hung just for knowing you. please. don't make me rescue you again."
"i don't need you to rescue me, coryo." sejanus says with a smirk on his face. he grabs the jabber jay cage and walks away.

coriolanus grabs the recorder and stops recording. he clicks play to make sure it got the conversation. it did. he could destroy sejanus with this. he shuts it off mid-conversation. he brings the cage and its recorder to the truck to ship it off to dr. gaul.

they're back at the bar. coriolanus, sejanus, and lucy gray. she is performing her song she wrote for coriolanus, pure as the driven snow. everyone is dancing with their partner, while coriolanus and sejanus are sitting down in the corner.

everyone's born as clean as a whistle
as fresh as a daisy, and not a bit crazy
staying that way's a hard row for hoeing
as rough as a briar, like walking through fire
this world , it's dark. this world, it's scary
i've taken some hits, so no wonder i'm wary
it's why i need you
you're as pure driven snow

coriolanus hears her say snow. he knows it's about him. he looks over at sejanus and he's gone. but coriolanus doesn't have time to follow him. he has to hear this.

cold and clean, swirling over my skin
you cloak me, you soak right in down to my heart
everyone thinks they know all about me
they slap me with labels and spit out their fables
you came along and you knew it was lying
you saw the ideal me and yes that's the real me

coriolanus begins to shed a tear. this song really hits down to his core. he feels the lyrics.

this world, it's cruel with troubles aplenty
you ask for a reason i've got 3 and twenty for why i trust you. your as pure as the driven snow
it's why i trust you, you're as pure as the driven snow.

coriolanus finally  walks over to see what's going on with sejanus. he hears him arguing with billy taupe.

"billy what the hell are you doing?!
coriolanus opens the door.
"you said that money was for supplies to get north."
"these are supplies."
"what, did you think this was a game?"
coriolanus walks over to see what's going on.
"you said that nobody was gonna get hurt."
coriolanus steps up. "hey! hey! HEY, stop!"
everyone goes silent.
"what are you doing? guns, sejanus?"
"i didn't know there was gonna be weapons, coryo. they lied to me."
"you thought they'd be honest? are you crazy?! there are peacekeepers right out there."
billy taupes friend steps up. "there's another one in here now, too." he puts a gun to coriolanus' stomach. he puts his hands up. "okay wait."
"and the mayors daughter?"
"hey, it's okay, spruce, he's with me...."
i try to find coriolanus, i go to the room where they are arguing. "hey, where'd.." coriolanus grabs me to protect me.
"you invited the whole town, plinth?" billy's friend said to sejanus.
billy taupe adds, "it's okay spruce. she's joining us too. she's with me."
"she what?" mayfair said, looking towards billy with an attitude.
"quiet down mayfair, ill explain later."
"i think i'm done listening to your explanations. she's not going anywhere. and neither are you. my pa's gonna string y'all up for this." mayfair mentions her dad, the mayor.
"woah woah hey stop!"
"she'll tell everyone you idiot!"
"she'll get us all hung!"
"he's right"
"no, she won't, spruce. she's all talk, no action."
mayfair then speaks up, "what do you think, lucy gray? am i all talk, no action? hey how'd you enjoy the capitol, by the way?" she smirks and begins to walk away. "see y'all at the hanging tree!"

coriolanus looks around. he grabs a gun. he shoot's mayfair. she scream out in pain.
"mayfair!" billy taupe calls out and runs to her.
she continues to scream. everyone has shocked looks in their faces.
lucy gray says, "coriolanus, what did you just do?!" she hugs onto him.
billy taupe's friend then adds in, answering my question, "well, you just shot the mayors daughter, son."
"what did you just do?!?!" lucy gray continues.
billy's friend also continues, "if you weren't a rebel before, you are now."
billy taupe jumps in, "you killed her..."
"quiet billy taupe"

coriolanus reassures lucy gray to keep her calm. "you're alright. you and me were gonna be alright."
she breaks down sobbing. she's scared for what's going to happen to coriolanus, and possibly herself.
"no one is gonna think this was us."
billy taupe says, "you reckon you're just gonna walk out of here free? dump this on me maybe?"
"i said, pipe down."
"you got a surprise coming, capitol boy. if im gonna swing for this, you swing with me!"
billy taupe runs to coriolanus, but his friend shoots him. some friend.
"i didn't trust him anyway."
lucy gray yells out "billy taupe!"
coriolanus tries to calm her down. "look at me. look at me. look at me. look at me. you're gonna go back out on that stage and you're gonna sing. you're gonna sing like nothing is wrong and i'm gonna find us a way out of this, okay?"
"i swear. i swear. go. go."

lucy gray runs off, back to the stage where everyone is at.
"get rid of these guns. go. go spruce, go."
sejanus starts crying too, "it wasn't supposed to be like this, nobody was supposed to get hurt."
"for once, shut up!"
"it's all my fault!"
"all of this is your fault! it's only gonna get worse if you don't pull yourself together. if you breathe a word now, both of us, we're finished. so we go back out there and we act like nothing is wrong."
"i don't know..."
"hey. hey look at me" coriolanus grabs sejanus face and looks at him. "you have to pull yourself together. you have to pull it together. you can here for me, right? we're brothers? brothers. so whatever you've done, i swear i will keep you safe. those guns were the only lose end besides the four of us. so we're gonna be okay. okay? not a word."

y'all my stupid cousin broke her pinky toe😭
she said she stubbed it on a table and it moved the WHOLE TABLE😭😭 pray for her but anyways coriolanus is such a reassuring person. like he kept lucy gray calm and sejanus😭 we love a reassuring hottie😍 but anyways

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