Chapter Two

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Things were a mess. I hadn't known that the Uchiha were having such issues with the civilians, nor that they had been pushed so far away from everyone to the point they felt they had to try to overthrow Hokage-jiji to gain back what they had lost.

The fact that Shisui and Itachi had been trying to find a way to peacefully keep a war from starting inside Konoha was also a surprise to me.

Mainly considering I hadn't known they would turn against their clan. 

Both were known for their loyalty of their clan after all.

Not that they were truly doing so considering they were trying to save them. It had placed both into a really crappy situation. The piled-on stress and secrets seemed to only grow making me truly surprised neither had a breakdown because of it all.

"You have to do the jutsu," I breathed out with a shaky sigh while watching color return to his skin after he began to heal thanks to the chakra that he was taking from me. "But it seems that this Danzo character is going to be the biggest problem."

From everything I had learned over the years, it was strategy and thinking ahead concerning any type of problem which I focused on now. That didn't mean I had the full picture even if I was already at Chunin level. 

It just meant I knew to think of every angle before rushing into anything.

Which was something I had Itachi, Shisui, and Genma-sensei to thank for since each had easily stepped forward to help me get stronger. It reminded me of how I had ended up graduating from the academy early, much to Naruto's slight aggravation.

He hadn't managed to pass the test since he still had large issues with his chakra control and couldn't complete the three jutsu needed to pass on top of failing his classes.

I had only told him that the scrolls on chakra control could help since we had such large reserves. He had ignored me.

Many believed me older than what I was considering I had graduated from the academy at the age of seven, the same age I had entered in fact.

Though I knew for a fact I wasn't the only one to graduate months after being entered into the academy. Itachi had been another to do so.

Genma-sensei was one who had begun to help me further my fuinjutsu skills as my chosen Jonin-sensei. He had also put focus onto my stamina and finding a good taijutsu style that would fit my smaller frame in the first few months in my genin career.

In the two years that I had been under his tutelage he had really pushed me as a kunoichi.

That wasn't even accounting for the C-rank missions we had taken three months after I had become a genin.

I would always be grateful for his help considering it meant I had ways to protect myself and those I cared for. Though it had taken a lot of effort to not blurt out that I knew who my parents were, each time a civilian or even shinobi caused me problems.

"It isn't that simple," disagreed Shisui as he finally pulled away from my wrist as the last of his wounds healed, both of us had been surprised when his eye grew back. "Danzo is still chasing after me and the only reason he hadn't caught me is because he can't gain access to the apartment. Fuinjutsu truly is another level of safety."

"I didn't say it was," I shot back while watching him stagger to his feet. "But you cannot continue your plan to take your own life to keep Danzo from getting your other eye. That isn't the answer, and you know it."

That wasn't even considering the affect it would have on those he left behind. There were many who cared for Shisui after all.

It all but destroyed me now just thinking about him no longer being in my life, I just couldn't accept it as our only option. In fact, I refused to accept that as an option.

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