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"The new manager, Anuahka, will arrive at your house in 15 minutes, and she will take it on from there"

I've read the text message like five times now, and the more I read it, the less thrilled I am about the impending change.  Apparently, this Anushka is all about vibrancy, fun, and boundless energy. Great. Just what I need, someone bouncing off the walls when all I want is a quiet moment to brood about the good ol' days when I used to have a "life".

Change and I haven't been on speaking terms for a while. But, Lately, life's been all about doing what I'm told without much say in the matter.

Here I am, sitting in my living room – it's practically a mansion, but it feels empty and a tad bit lonely. Waiting for Ms. Vibrant to swoop in and spice up my life somehow.

And there it was, I heard a knock that could wake the dead as soon as the fifteen-minute mark ended.

Maybe she didn't notice the doorbell.

I sigh and drag myself to answer, only to be met with a burst of energy.

"Hello, it's me, your new manager, Anushka!" she practically yells.

"Anushka, huh?" I mutter, not too thrilled with the exuberance.

"Yes, sir, that's me!" she replies, her annoying smile still intact.

"Fine, come in," I say, opening the door wider for her.

"Thank you, thank you!" she squeals, practically skipping into my house. Is this for real?

As I close the door behind her, I notice she's already made herself home on my couch, acting like she owns the place – and maybe the world too.

"Sit down, Virat," she gestures.

Great, I think to myself, this will be one long day.

"Yes, it's my house, I know I can sit here," I deadpan.

"Oops, sorry! Got a little carried away," she giggles.

"Anushka, let me be clear. I'm not big on small talk, so keep it to a minimum. Treat me as your boss, not the cricketer you've probably idolized. I'm not thrilled about you being here, and I'd prefer you leave at the first opportunity. If you want to keep this job, ignore me, do your thing, and get it done on time," I lay it out for her.

"Oh, I—"

"Am I clear?" I interrupted her.

"Yes, yes, you are," Anushka stammers, fear flickering on her face.

"Good. I'll be in the gym. If you need me – which you shouldn't – well, tough luck," I say, walking away, leaving a bewildered Anushka in my wake.



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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