" i said i was a citizen" the girl said crying to her friends, " i said it wasn't me !". nayeon just looked at the girl in pity, " why did you vote me" she cried looking at the others before running out ot the assembly hall.

Out of nowhere, the school bell chimed, "night has come." the lady on the speakers declared, and every student fell into an unconscious slumber.


nayeon's pov

I woke up slowly and saw hyunho's lifeless body hanging on the rails. the sight hit me like a ton of bricks, and without a second thought, I averted my gaze looking down.

" hey yu young. lee yu young" mina's distraught voice called out, i slowly turned my head to her direction and see her shaking her friend. " what is it ?" someone asked, " she's acting weird" she replied back.

making all of us to approach the two. the siren suddenly wailed,

" during the night, lee yu young was executed by mafia. "
" lee yu young was a citizen "

the lady announced, as mina started sobbing loudly.

" before the last vote closed, the doctor nominated who to heal.

they nominated cha yujun."

the lady announced, causing everyone to look at said boy.

" morning has come. all participants, identify the mafia and begin to vote."

my heart pounded in my chest as yoonseo approached the girl's lifeless body. I watched as she lifted the white cloth covering the girl's head, revealing a stark red mark on her neck. " i think she was strangled with this" she muttered, her voice trembling with a mix of shock and horror.

suddenly mina stood up and pushed junhee, " i said i wouldn't hand in my phone. i said i didnt want to !" she shouted at the boy tears streaming down her face"

" if we hadn't turned in our phones, we wouldn't have slept here. and they wouldn't have died" her voice trembled with tears as she yelled at Junhee. "you killed then all, junhee, it's on you!" she yelled at the boy who did nothing to try and defend himself.

"stop it" somi said pushing mina away from him. "if only we'd voted sooner, then they wouldn't have died" nahee said her voice trembling.

"they're not wrong, we survived by pure luck, you and ko kyungjun, what will you do about it now?" jisoo demanded her voice sharp with urgency. "Did I suggest we hand them in? Kim Junhee, you scumbag!" Kyungjun's voice erupted with anger, his accusatory finger pointed squarely at Junhee. "You said we had to give up our phones. This happened because of you!" he yelled once again.

"I'm sorry." he murmured, his voice barely audible, without another word, he turned and walked away leaving the room engulfed in an eerie silence.

" whatever, the class president got us into this. let's vote for him today" kyungjun Kyungjun said breaking the heavy silence that enveloped the room. his words stung and anger surged within me at the suggestion.

"how can you say that?" I blurted out, my voice edged with frustration. kyungjun's gaze met mine, his eyes reflecting disbelief at my outburst, " you said it was a good idea and took everyone's phones, why change your tune now ?, " if anything you're the most suspicious here" i pointed out.

" hey, isn't it obvious? how are we supposed to trust junhee ? he could be the mafia" he responded his voice oddly calm.

" guys !" he shouted caused everyone to flinch at his sudden outburst, his voice reverberated through the room,"Our lives depend on this game. why entrust someone else with mine? I just used my brain, i could've died" Kyungjun asserted, his voice firm as he approached me, locking eyes. "and remember, you're still alive because of me. let's not forget," Kyungjun whispered in my ear, his words sending a chill down my spine.

his gaze held a mixture of determination and defiance, despite the tension between us, I couldn't tear my eyes away from his as he lightly punched da beom in the chest, I remained steadfast. 

"hey, stop it please. do you want to fight in the situation? how long must we fight over a game that kills ? won't too go home" yoonseo broke the tension, how can we go home ? we can't leave" somi questioned

" the mafia game, if we figure out who started it and why, we can find a way out. then we can all get out without anyone else dying"

i nodded my head at her suggestion, " we'll figure out a way later. let's move the others." i said quietly, yoonseo glanced over to the bodies.

as Kyungjun was about to walk away with Seungbin and Jinha, I swiftly reached out and gripped his shoulder, spinning him around. his initial reaction was to curse, but as his eyes met mine, recognition dawned on his face. There was a brief moment of tension as we locked eyes, "We can't just leave them there," I pleaded, my voice tinged with desperation. I watched as Kyungjun quickly looked away, his expression unreadable as he weighed his options. "Please, just this once," I implored

With a resigned nod, Kyungjun finally relented. "Fine, whatever," he muttered, his tone begrudging .


third person pov

aAfter everyone had left one by one, only junhee, yoonseo, and nayeon remained. junhee looked down, consumed by guilt. "I shouldn't have collected the phones," he muttered remorsefully. dropping down next to him, mayeon placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "It wasn't your fault, junhee," she reassured him softly, casting a glance at yoonseo for support. "we didn't know about the rule. don't beat yourself up too much." yoonseo nodded in agreement, her expression sympathetic. "nayeon's right," she chimed in, her voice gentle yet firm. "you were trying to find a solution. we all were. It just didn't work out this time." junhee remained silent for a moment, "but it's still my fault," he insisted, his voice barely above a whisper.nayeon shook her head, determined to lift his spirits. "hey, Kim junhee, until the game is actually over, people will continue dying," she said firmly, locking eyes with him. "you tried to find a way to stop this nonsense, and it ended badly. If you want to take responsibility, we need to think of another way to get everyone out safely." yoonseo nodded in agreement, nayeon rose to her feet and quietly made her way out of the room, joining the others who had already left. with a final glance back at junhee and yoonseo, she offered a reassuring nod before disappearing into the hallway.

 with a final glance back at junhee and yoonseo, she offered a reassuring nod before disappearing into the hallway

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winter's note

heyyyy 🤣😜🎉

y'all sorry for the lack of updates, i was in jail ( boarding school) BUTTT am back 🫡 SO BE READY FOR MORE UPDATES!!!

don't be a silent reader :/ i love feedback and comments,, and if you have any ideas you can comment them !!.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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