The interviewer boy part 2

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Ritz's Pov: After Veneer's whole confession yesterday, I was a little surprised since I hadn't seen it coming at all, it was kinda cute though. So today I thought that if he came back to the studio, that maybe I could ask for his number so that we could communicate easier. But for now, I had to do my job and go on to interview another person.

Veneer's Pov: "I totally embarrassed myself in front of him yesterday!"

"But you said that he felt the same way, right?" Floyd asked.

"Well, yeah."

"Then it doesn't matter if you embarrassed yourself, you still managed to tell him, and I say that that's a good start, remember, you don't have to rush yourself, baby steps first, ok?"


"Alright, now go get ready before your sister has to come and get you."

"Ok, ok, I'll go." I got up from the chair and headed out the door to go and get my hair done. Maybe I should go talk to him again today, then I might get used to talking to him without tripping over my words. I thought to myself.

"There you are Ven! I was just about go get you, also, please go get your hair done, you can't be seen anywhere in public without hair jell."

"Yeah, I pretty much figured." I said as I walked toward the dressing room. "Crimp, I'm here!" I said in a slightly sassy tone.

"Oh great! Just sit right there." She pointed at the chair.

10 minutes later.

"Finally, your done, anyways, here's the plan, first we'll-"

"Vel." I interrupted. "I was just thinking, that well, you know we do so many things together, and that maybe today I can go and have some me time at the m-mall."

"Fine, but only for today."

"Thanks Vel." I headed out the door and started my journey to get to the studio where Kid Ritz should be at.

Ritz's Pov: I was on lunch break so I decided to go to the building entrance just in case Veneer would show up today.

"Ritz?" I head someone call out. I knew it had to be Veneer.

"Veneer!" I said as I ran up to him and grabbed his hands. "I was hoping you'd show up today!"

"You did?"

"Yeah, I did!"

"Uh w-well, I just came here to talk to you a bit m-more to get to k-know you better."

"Aw, you did? That's cute." Veneer blushed a little.

"S-stop calling me cute." He looked away embarrassed.

"Sorry, but how could I not? Almost every thing you do is cute, even your face is cute."


"Ok, ok, I'll stop, you darn rich boy." I laughed. After meeting up, we had a long 8 minutes of talking to each other before my break was over. "Oh, before I go, can I get your number?"

"Oh, uh, sure."

Veneer's Pov: After I gave him my number, he left and went back to do his job and I walked out of the building, staring to head home.

In conclusion, they eventually got together and became boyfriends, then the events of the movie happen but with a bit of a twist, while Veneer does admit to him and his sister being frauds, only Velvet gets arrested for essentially forcing Veneer to go along with everything, also, I'd like to think that Ritz would probably be able to tell that Veneer didn't wanna do a lot of the thing that he was told to do so yeah, Veneer got his ass saved by Ritz.

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