All I Want For Christmas Is You 🎄💚✨

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Christmas was approaching, those days of festivities and joy were getting closer, you could feel in the air the so called Christmas magic, the streets were decorated by millions of lights making everything seem more magical, you could hear carols in the distance and all Seoul was covered by a thin layer of snow giving an aspect even more in keeping with the season. On the outskirts of the city there was a house that was inhabited by 11 boys, who were very excited because they were going to spend the holidays with their family for the first time in a few years, being idols they often had to meet agendas that prevented them from being in important moments and dates with their family but this time would be the exception or at least that's what they thought...

Everything was in chaos in that house, you could hear the commotion from outside, the boys running from one side to the other trying to fix their bags as soon as possible because they had to leave as soon as possible if they wanted to spend Christmas with their families.

-Hangyeom hyung Have you seen my black scarf? You know the one my mom knitted for me, I've been looking everywhere for it," said a stressed Jaehyun, "Even Yechan and Hyuk were helping me with it but we still can't find it.

Hangyeom hyung just stared at the maknaes who were clearly making fun of Moon.

-Jaehyun, have you seen your neck by any chance, maybe that's where you'll find the answer," Hangyeom mentioned as he stroked the younger one's head when he saw how stressed he was, trying to relax him, which seemed to work because the younger one seemed to calm down at his touch.

-Oh god it has been on my neck all this time, I wasted so much time trying to find it", the boy made a little tantrum but still decided not to face the maknaes that clearly had been making fun of him this time, instead he preferred to stay with his favorite hyung to talk for a while while while they had to leave, he was going to miss him these days that they would be away.

The maknaes continued doing their thing and even Kevin had also joined them, looking for which member to bother next, those three guys had arranged everything since the day before and were bored now that they had nothing to do but wait for their departure time to come, so they decided that the best thing to do was to make fun of the others who were rushing around trying to put everything in order before leaving.

-What if we are going to bother Jaehan Hyung," said Kevin.

-NO," said the youngest of them all, "I mean he is the leader, let's leave him alone for today so he can go home as soon as possible, he deserves it more than anyone else," he ended up saying nervously.

-All right, we won't bother your love for today," Hyuk answered mockingly, making the younger one's cheeks blush violently.

-But, what? how? when?" dared the maknae to ask.

-I think we know everything Yechan, everyone except Jaehan Hyung," answered Kevin making him blush again.

-Just like what's going on between you two, right?" countered the maknae.

-I don't know what you're talking about," said Hyukvin at the same time, blushing when they saw that they said exactly the same thing, causing the younger one to laugh when he saw how they unintentionally put themselves in evidence.

-I'd better leave you, I feel like I'm being a bad third at the moment.

Yechan went to look for his favorite hyung because he hadn't seen him for a while and sincerely missed him a lot. He walked around the house and Jaehan was nowhere to be seen. Had he left already? Without even saying goodbye to him? His heart squeezed at the thought and without noticing it, his eyes had begun to sting from the tears that wanted to come out of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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