Chapter 38: School Spirit

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Well, I'll be cheering you on at
your game tonight. Along with
taking photos. I love you.

I love you too. See you later.

Wanda and I haven't hung out as often recently. She's been spending a lot of time with Daisy for the yearbook club. But I wonder why no one else helps with photos and it always seems to only be Wanda and Daisy. Of course I trust Wanda, I trust Daisy too, but Daisy and I just left on a weird note. We both liked each other and it just wasn't good timing and we forced ourselves to not keep liking each other.

I head into the gym stadium as the crowd starts filling in. The senior section was pretty much almost full already so I decide to lean against the edge and stand and watch as the band continues to play. I can see Kate and Yelena on the other side since they were juniors and they wave to me as I wave back.

"Smile!" I hear a camera go off as I turn around.

"Please delete that photo." I chuckle as Wanda comes up to me and gives me a hug.

"Nope. Can't do. Not deleting." I roll my eyes at her and just as I was going to lean in for a kiss we're interrupted.

"Hey Wands! I'm gonna get the other side if you wanna stay on this side." Daisy said to her as I didn't turn around to face Daisy.

"Okay! I'll be right out there." Wanda replied looking down to her camera. She seemed upset that we were interrupted as well.

"Since when did she get on the base of calling you Wands?" I chuckle leaning back on the bleachers crossing my arms over my chest. For some reason, Wanda couldn't look at me and was fidgeting with the camera.

"We've been hanging out a lot cause you know...staying after school for yearbook and stuff. Also, she helped me dress shop for the charity event that we went to." I press my lips together and smile nodding my head. I did not know she took Daisy with her to go dress shopping.

"You should probably..." I nudge my head over to the crowd.

"Can we grab dinner tonight or something after your game?" She asked stepping in front of me about to head to the crowd.

"Sure." I only said that cause I was expecting it to get canceled or it wouldn't only be us.

"Okay." I see a smile sneak on her face as she retreats to go start taking photos. I'm glad she found something that she likes. I've seen her take some photos here and there and they were really good. The world deserves to see how much talent she has. I watch as she tries to make her through the crowd and chuckle to myself. Crowds were never her favorite which makes it even funnier to me.

"Y/n! What are you doing down there?!" Carol shouted as I looked up to the gang all sitting together.

"I don't feel like sitting!" I lied cause I secretly just wanted to head out in the middle of this. I don't know why, but ever since coming back I feel social anxiety raving through my veins. Almost as if I detached myself from this place and coming back I felt like a stranger. Interacting with work phone calls, meetings, and the company made me a different person. I felt like my priorities were different now and didn't think playing a girls football game was on my list but here I was.

Principal Xavier comes out to start the pep rally and these events go out every year. Of course they always had color guard, band, dance and all the other teams perform whatever they were working on. Just then the cheerleaders were walking through the doors where I was standing.

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