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The funeral of Princess Visenya Targaryen and her stillborn son was a somber and heart-wrenching event that brought together members of House Targaryen and other noble houses from across the realm. The funeral took place on a cliffside, overlooking the vast expanse of the sea, where Maekar's dragon, Aegar, stood ready to fulfill a final duty.

Viserys, grief-stricken and filled with sorrow, stood tall beside his daughter's lifeless body, his eyes betraying the immense pain he felt. Maekar stood by his father's side, his face etched with anger and sadness. Alicent offered her support, her heart aching for the loss of her sister-in-law and nephew as she held her pregnant belly.

Rhaenyra stood close to her father, her tears flowing freely as she mourned the loss of her beloved sister. The weight of the tragedy that had befallen their family was heavy on her shoulders.

Visenya's two children, Tommen and Myrcella, too young to fully understand the depth of their loss, clung to their uncle's arms, seeking solace in his embrace. Their innocent faces were a stark reminder of the life that was cut short, leaving behind a void that could never be filled.

Martyn Lannister, Visenya's husband, stood at a distance with his mother and two brothers, his guilt evident in the way he carried himself. He knew that another pregnancy would have endangered Visenya's life, but he had disregarded the risks, leading to this tragic outcome. Maekar's fury towards Martyn was untameable, the anger simmering beneath the surface.

As the last rays of the sun bathed the cliffside in a golden glow, Maekar, his voice heavy with grief and anger, gave the order that would bring closure to this painful chapter. "Dracarys," he commanded, and Aegar, the mighty dragon, unleashed a torrent of fire, engulfing the bodies of Visenya and her stillborn son.

The flames danced and crackled, consuming the physical remains of the princess and her child, their spirits now free from the realm. After that the funeral party began leaving to make their way back to the Red Keep, it left Maekar standing in front of the pyre, holding his niece and nephew tightly as they wept for their mother and brother.

"Come along, my love," Alicent said softly, rubbing Maekar's arm. She placed her hands on Tommen's and Myrcella's heads, gently running her thumbs through their hair. The children nodded, eying the funeral pyre once more before walking back towards the carriage waiting for them.

As the sun began to set over the Red Keep, casting a warm golden glow across the courtyard, Alicent and Maekar found themselves standing side by side near the gardens. In the distance, they spotted Tommen and Myrcella sitting on a stone bench beneath a blooming cherry blossom tree. The siblings clung to each other, tears streaming down their faces as they tried to make sense of the overwhelming loss they had experienced.

Alicent, her heart aching for the young ones, took a step forward. Maekar followed suit, holding his wife like a lifeline. They approached Tommen and Myrcella slowly, giving them space to process their emotions.

"Tommen, Myrcella," Alicent began, her voice gentle yet filled with empathy. "I know no words can ease your pain right now, but know that your mother loved you both dearly. She was a remarkable woman, and her spirit will always be with you."

Tommen looked up at Alicent, his eyes red and puffy from crying. He sniffled and wiped away his tears with the back of his hand. "Why did Mama have to go?" he asked, his voice trembling with sadness.

Alicent knelt down in front of Tommen, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Sometimes, life brings us great sorrow and challenges that we cannot fully understand. But in these moments, it is important to remember the love and the memories we shared with those we have lost. Your mother will forever live on in your hearts and in the stories that we will tell of her."

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