Zubina shruggs "I just repeated noble consort's question because you didn't answer her."

Afreen turns her face towards Yuzu "prince Yang xi is here too. You are not asking him this ? Why only my brother."

"Prince Yang Xi is here for business. He is attending the court everyday and discussing the trade between Yuri and Zi. He will leave as soon as the deal gets finalized. What about your brother ?"

Afreen grits her teeth "my brother is here for his highness. Empress mother summoned him thinking about a second male consort of his highness. He will leave as soon as the wedding date gets finalised."

Every concubine and consort gasps hearing Afreen's reply except Yuzu who has a dark expression on his face "very well then , I will talk with empress mother."

Afreen frowns "what made you think that she will talk with you ?"

Yuzu smirks "what made you think that she will agree for another male consort while she can't tolerate the existing one ?"

"You think I am lying ?" Afreen almost shouts.

"I don't care if you are lying or not Afreen. What I care about is this harem. And I want it back to normal this week. Inform your brother."

"I will talk with his highness about this. I need to know how my brother occupying one corner of this palace is destroying this harem."

Yuzu grips his fist "go ahead. Court dismissed."


"Master ! I think his highness is angry with you. Why don't you go and Apologise?" Meimei asks while combing Yuzu's hair.

Yuzu looks at the mirror "For what ? I did nothing wrong."

"Then why is he angry with you ?"

Yuzu huffs. He is already irritated because of Zixuan 's behaviour. It's been two days since he last tried to visit Zixuan. After that he didn't try.

He pledged to not be the old Yuzu. Yet he is here , he is losing his guards. "I don't know. I don't have enough time to think about him."

Yuzu stands up "you go and take rest. It's late."

"I will but master.." Meimei stops in the middle.

Yuzu frowns "but what ?"

Meimei ignores her master's question and bows "greetings, your highness!"

Yuzu turns around. "Greetings , your highness."

Zixaun looks at Yuzu with a stern face before turning at Meimei "retreat."

Meimei bows again and runs out of the room like air.

"Did you ask Afreen about Prince Yaad's departure?"

Yuzu blinks. So it's the reason. "I did."

"Why ?" Zixuan's voice is cold.

"Why not ? Isn't he a guest ? Shouldn't he leave ?"

"Prince Yaad's stay here shouldn't concern you."

Yuzu tilts his head "am I not noble consort anymore ? If I am not then, it shouldn't concern me but if I am ..."

"I asked him to stay. You don't need to interfere." Zixuan turns around to leave the room.

"Then there is no meaning of noble consort position. You can take it back." Yuzu shouts before Zixuan could leave.

Zixuan turns around with sheathing anger "Aren't you too desperate to leave your position ?"

"A position comes with rights. You can't give me my rights and expect me to decorate your harem. I am not your show-piece." Yuzu replies through his gritted teeth.

"Really ? You are not a show-piece ? Tell me, what duty you have performed to be a consort ? Forget about the noble consort..

You don't want to perform your duty but you want the rights of your position. Is this justified ?"

Yuzu eyes turn glossy. He doesn't like Zixuan's tone right now. "What duty are you talking about ? Sleeping with you ? Aren't you the one who said I was too demanding and you need to find someone else ....

Yuzu stops in the middle. He can't be weak.

"And seems like you already found someone else. I don't need to find it for you ." Zixuan fists in desire to punch someone.

Yuzu wipes the tears that have fallen from his cheeks. He is not weak "leave. Do whatever you want. I wouldn't interfere. I am sorry for asking Yaad to leave."

Zixuan rage increases when Yuzu doesn't deny his words "Say sorry to Yaad. And don't interfere on his business. He is not part of your harem ..Yet."

Yuzu looks at Zixuan's disappearing back in a daze. Another tear falls from his eye. "At least, in last life you kept your promise."


Side Story 9

"What do you mean ?"

Zixuan chuckles seeing the pouty face. He pinches the fluffy cheeks of his noble consort "means I will say no to him."

"But isn't your defence minister very powerful ? Without him, Zi will be weak." Yuzu asks in confusion.

"Yes it's true. He is important. But my finance minister is powerful too , my health minister , law minister , home minister .. all of them are powerful. That doesn't mean I will marry all of their sons. That's absurd."

"Then why did you marry me ?" Yuzu asks looking at the paper that Zixuan is reading. All boring numbers.

"I didn't marry you because of your father. I married you because I wanted to marry you. The famous beauty of minister Bai's household."

Yuzu blushes "I am not that beautiful. Also I am a man."

"Yeah .. you are a beautiful man. My one and only make consort."

Yuzu's heart skips a beat. "Um.. one and only ?"

"Do you think I have another secret husband ?" Zixuan asks back still looking at his papers.

"You don't but you will in future. There are so many boys outside." The flush on Yuzu's face cools down. His face becomes pale dreading the future of his marriage. He often dreams that his marriage would have a deadly ending someday.

Zixuan looks up from his paper realising the sudden silence "what's wrong ?"

Yuzu comes out of his thoughts. He smiles thinly "nothing. I was just thinking if your future male consort will be more beautiful than me.."

"there will be no future consort, Yuzu."

Yuzu rolls his eyes "liar."

Zixuan tucks a loose hair strand behind Yuzu's ear. "I know, you are not my first, Yuzu but you will be my last. There will be no one after you. I promise that."


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