"I can." Baela says. "The deep maroon velvet one. Ugh, the sleeves on it are to die for. It's far too hot to be wearing such fashion in King's Landing. We'd be sweltering." Baela pouts a little at that but then grins. "You'll be the icon of the North when it comes to gowns."

"I intend to be the icon of the North when it comes to everything." You say with a faux level of superiority as you come around to the stairs that go down to the courtyard.

There are many nobles waiting to see you off and Cregan Stark stands right at the front, waiting for you and looking as disgustingly handsome as ever. You ignore him and make your way to the ladies who won't be accompanying you first, hugging them and trying not to tear up. You hope Cregan is offended by how you brush by him. Then, you reach your siblings. Your goodbyes to your family are short and proper, you'll see them at the wedding anyhow. Your goodbye with your mother is... tense if nothing else.

You turn to Cregan at this point, knowing that you need to have a public interaction before you get into your carriage. Even if you enjoy being the centre of attention, you don't want to waste the creation of gossip if you're not there to see how it all goes down.

Lord Stark bows deeply. "Princess, I am glad to be accompanying you to your new home."

"I thank you for your protection on the long trip that lies ahead of us." You say in response, your voice cordial and dripping with charisma.

"It is my honour." He holds out a hand and you take it, allowing him to help you up the steps, into the carriage. Your two handmaidens follow after you. When the door shuts, you sigh, ready for the long trip to be over already.


As the trip properly starts, you begin to remember how much you hate carriage rides. Short ones are usually fine but you've been sitting in the wheeled contraption for hours now and it's making you awfully dizzy.

"Your Grace? Are you well?" Rose, your handmaiden, speaks up. She looks concerned for your state.

"I am fine. I perhaps just need to rest for a moment." You say, a bit breathlessly, as you shift to lay down, resting your head in your other handmaiden's lap.

"Are you sure, princess? You look a little green." Safia speaks up as she begins to stroke your hair.

"It's this stupid carriage. And the road for seven hells. How can it be so uneven?" You groan and Safia starts to rub your temples.

"It is awful, I know." She soothes but her kind words don't help. You just feel more and more nauseous.

"Oh gods." You groan.

"Princess, are you going to be sick?" Rose asks, and to your dismay, you believe you are about to be sick.

You nod a little and she stands, banging on the roof. "Stop the carriage!" She calls out to the driver.

Before you're even fully stopped, Rose pushes open the door and Safia helps you to your feet. You stumble out of the carriage and unceremoniously, onto the grass. You fall to your hands and knees, breathing heavily. You thank the gods when you don't actually throw up and the churning of your stomach begins to slow with the help of a stationary position and fresh air.

"What is happening? Is the princess alright?"

Oh gods why does he have to see this? You think to yourself as the young Lord Stark's voice rings through the air.

"The movement of the carriage makes her unwell, my lord." Safia says.

"Oh of course." He murmurs and wanders off for a moment. You feel hopeful that he just decided to leave you but he's back before you know it and kneeling by your side. "Here, eat this." He says and gives you a gentle smile as he holds out ginger for you.

"Why would I eat tha-" He seems to know that you were going to kick up a fuss so as you are mid-sentence, he puts the piece of ginger in your mouth.

"Chew." He says simply. Your eyes are wide and you want to refuse but you also don't necessarily want to spit it out like a spoiled child. So, you apprehensively begin to chew the root, trying not to make a face at the peppery flavour. "Good." He speaks again. "You'll feel better now." You think he looks far too pleased as he stands up in front of you and offers you his hand. You begrudgingly take it and he pulls you up with so much ease that you hardly even had to try and stand.

You brush your skirts off, feeling spiteful even if Cregan just helped you.

He just looked far too smug about it. You assure yourself as you make your way back into your carriage.

Before the door is closed, your betrothed speaks up, "Perhaps I could join you, princess. Just to make sure you're feeling better." The smile he gives you is almost sneaky, as if there is some sort of hidden innuendo in there. You feel that he enjoys toying with you.

"That would be terribly improper." You speak only loud enough for him to hear.

"Yes, of course." He says but the cheeky grin never fades, even as he walks to his horse.

"Strange." Rose says. "Most lords would enjoy the comforts of a carriage themselves."

"Perhaps it would be an excuse to sneak into here." Safia says scandalously.

"Then he shall be perpetually disappointed." You say as you settle into your seat.

The procession begins to move again and through all the bumps and uneven roads, and as more time passes, the nausea that plagued you never returns.

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