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With Riki and the other 6 men busy at the gold mine and her in laws out of the country, Rowan was pretty lonely. She couldn't go out, she couldn't invite friends, and she knew it was purely for her safety.

Rowan sighed, cleaning the already clean building over and over, working on paintings then stopping moments later because she got artist's block, then she got bored and decided to watch an R rated horror movie.

It was pretty boring, same old suspense, build up and scary music, to a not so scary jump scare. Suddenly... the  vase behind her fell and smashed out of the blue. The current went off and the TV shut off.

"Fuck Now how can I watch my movie-" the girl mumbled to herself the girl turned the flashlight on her phone on, making her way into the kitchen. Her feet touched a rather wet yet warm substance.

It was weird but she didn't think too much of it given that one of the flower vases did just smash, but when the light hit the floor, lord it was like a scene straight out of a horror movie. Alert, Rowan grabbed a gun from under the desk where Riki had locked a few guns for emergency purposes.

She tried not to panic, as she stayed hidden, low, footsteps nearing her spot then fading away. To her dismay, a male, almost 10 foot tall and extremely buff, had yanked her out by her hair. The girl loaded her gun  and shot his shoulder, but the bullet bounced off, skimming past her hair.

"WHAT THE FUCK- GOD FORESAKEN HELL WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU AH-" Rowan screamed, as the man kicked her stomach painfully, as she crouched over, he punched her painfully hard until she hit the floor, spitting up blood. 

The gun skid across the floor, hitting the cupboard and skidding back a little, she reached her hand out for the gun, hopeful to catch it, but the man stepped on her hand, crushing her fragile fingers as she screamed in agony as the man stuffed a cloth in her mouth.

"Nap time little princess... prince charming will come and get you soon..." The voice called out, a strong Spanish accent was clearly evident in the voice she last heard.

. . .

"FUCK THAT FUCKING FICKLEHEAD FUCKING HELL" Riki creamed, swearing at the top of his lungs as he received the threat message from Antonio Sica. Jungwon tried to trace the source of the video, failing to do so no matter how much he tried.

"Riki he sent us an address... but he only wants you to come..." Sunghoon said as he showed the address to Riki.

"Ill go there alone... you know what he's capable of... just stay back ok?..." Riki simply said as he left the building, alone.

Upon arriving at the location, Riki was immediately met With Antonio Sica, standing by a table smirking. Behind him stood more tall, tatted men, one with a golden tooth , yanking on Rowan's hair as he chewed some tobacco, the other, had a gun in hand, pointing it at her head. 

"And we meet again Mr Nishimura..." Antonio smirked as Riki walked forward. "I told you. you ain't getting my fucking gold mines for fuck sake." Riki warned as the man turned to one of his men.

The man spat some of his tobacco remains on Rowan's face as she screamed in disgust trying to kick him. "One signature Nishimura..." the Man said, handing him the pen.

Riki took the pen, ready to sign the paper not wanting to hurt his wife any further. Just as the pen was about to hit the paper, multiple gunshots sounded, as Rowan dropped to the ground, curling up in a ball as red blood flown from her body.

"FUCK SAKE- WHO THE FUCK- JUST AS HE WAS ABOUT TO FUCKING SIGN IT" Antonio complained as Riki stabbed he pen in his neck, calling for back up as he ran to Rowan.

"NISHIMURA FUCKING RIKI.... How does it feel to lose someone you love?" A voice called, Riki turned to see Yeonjun, his eyes bloodshot as Riki stared in shock.

"choi FUCKING YEONJUN WHAT THE FUCK?!" Riki screamed, taken aback, shocked and feeling betrayed by the male before him. "How does it feel?... How does it feel to be so fucking hurt Riki?..." The man smirked.

. . .

A little while later, Riki's men scampered in  fighting of both enemies, as Riki picked up his gun, Rowan's soft whimper, made him freeze. "Rowan don't give up. hold on ok?" Riki called out as he shook her body, cautiously carrying her out, trying to fight off his own tears.

It's happening again. Someone innocent is dying in his arms, because of him. He rushed to the nearest hospital, carrying you in. The doctors didn't even need to hop into formalities before treating her, just seeing Riki carry her in, they knew she was important. 

Minutes felt like hours and hours felt like centuries as the doctor finally came with some good news. The bullet did hit her, but they managed to save her in time. 

Riki walked into the room, there she laid, unconscious,  a peaceful look painted on her face as she slept soundly. Riki sat by the bed, a tear falling upon her now pale-ish skin... his tear.

Riki's hand hovered over the wound on her stomach, though not too deep and intense, she was still badly hurt, because of him. He softly held her hand, and placed a soft loving kiss on her forehand, kissing her forehead right after.

He didn't know why he did it... maybe it was guilt... maybe it was because he got so caught up in the moment... maybe its because, it reminded him of a certain someone... a woman.

"Promise me one thing Riki.... Promise me that no matter what, you'll become the world's most well known billionaire, I don't care how you do it, Just do it... and help ones like us who are constantly facing danger."



𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat