Chp 1. Right after war.

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Draco's POV:

A large flash of red filled the square of where Voldemort and Hary were having their battle. Voldemort was hit. Finally. Everyone was free. As Voldemort let out his final cry of defeat, I couldn't help but turn back. My mother looked at me confused.
>"Draco?. C'mon. We have to go."<
I didn't answer back. I watch as Potter looks over at me, standing still and swaying slightly. I look back at my mother. She seems to understand that I want to take him with us in a way. Though I refuse to admit it. I knew she knew.

I look back over at the golden boy, My mother looks with me. Us 3 are stuck in eye contact for a hot 5 seconds, what felt to be and hour, before we watched Potters body drop unconscious to the floor. I look at my mother in a panic. She looks at me back with sympathetic mum eyes, right before I can say anything, she quickly moves to him in the thick black fog, death eaters do, towards Harry. The fog surrounded his body then it came back towards myself, leaving Harry's body missing from where it was before, now with my mother. The fog surrounded me and jolted back up into the sky, my body now missing from where I was once standing aswell.

^mother had abandoned papa. I'm grateful for that. He was the one who convinced my mother to force me to join. He was the one who caused me this pain. He was the one who urged me to hate Harry. All I wanted was to be friends.^

Noticing I was wrapped up in my own thoughts, I look back to the best of my ability to see teachers aiming at my mother. I pull out Harry's wand, since mine was still stolen and I had lost my mother's in the fire, getting ready for any attacks against her.
Some teachers do try and attack her, but I do my best to block the ones that actually had a chance of hitting her. But that was short lived from the speed of which we travled. Though I find it weird. A wand will only work with another if it trusts them... why did it work for me?...

We soon arrive at a small hut that my Grandparents used to live in, it was far off from the Malfoy Mannor. Ofcourse, since my family was wealthy, it wasn't where they'd always live. This was more like a holiday house, a get away from wealth I suppose...

Mother landed us at the front door. It was a lovely cottage with loads of plants and greenery. Beautiful it was. Just beautiful. It felt cosy and welcoming.

>"Right. Here, take the poor boy and lay him on the couch, I need to fetch some supplies."< we both walk into the house and lock it behind ourself. Mother runs off to the bathroom, looking for anything to help Harry. But, as I lay Harry down on the couch, I notice blood dripping down his cheek. I quickly tuck his fluffy unkempt and wild hair behind his ear only to find his glasses cracked and his scar with a longer cut going down and across his blue eye.

☆Black Harry with Heterochromia. Live with it, I think it makes him ho- I MEAN CUTE.☆

I gasp softly, and stare at Potters blood. It looks nasty. I had so many questions. How?, When?, Where?, Why?!
All would hopefully be answered in due time even though the answers were most likley Voldemort. Without second guessing, I take off my robe, slip my left hand behind Harry's head, my fingers gliding through his knotted but soft hair, and I hold down my robe on his eye woth gentle preasure. His body is still. It scares me. ^"P-... Pottah!."^ I say with a stupid attempt to get him to respond. ^"Pottah. Can you hear me at all?."^ Again. As I expected, no response.

>"Draco! Is he doing well?."<
It was mother. She swung around the corner with a rag and a clear potion. ^"I suppose- his breathing and all... but he won't wake."^ I say as I look back over at him >"As expected. Normally I would cast a healing spell but somebody lost my wand to fire."< she said with a small chuckle. Always made a joke about things my mother did, but only when sensible. She was smart like that. >"Here, Remove your robe from his eye and use this instead."< she said as she dampened the rag with the clear potion. I tossed my robe to the floor and took the rag, holding it against Harrys eye. >"sit with him. You're not standing the whole time."< my mother nudged me. I sighed and blushed only softly. I don't know what it was from. Embarrassment... or Fluster...

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