You're So Pretty

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Taylor's and Travis were staying together this whole weekend, since he had off of playing and Taylor was on a break of the tour they could absolutely have a weekend together
This evening they were going out for dinner with Blake and Ryan because they were also in New York that weekend

They decided to go to a fancy restaurant near time square so they were already getting themselves ready

Taylor choose to wear a black top with black pants but she was going to add a coat
Travis decide to wear one of his sets of pants and jackets

Travis: Wow babe you look amazing
Taylor: thanks, you also look good
Travis: I'm ready to leave whenever you are ready
Taylor: just give me a second, you can start going down
Travis: you sure you don't need anything?
Taylor: Nop

Without more hesitation Travis went down so he can wait for his girl to come down
Some minutes later Taylor come down

Travis: Damn you're so fucking beautiful
Taylor: stop you're making me blush
Travis: I'm just saying the truth
Taylor: well Thank you
Travis: we should get going

With that they both went out and got into the SUV. Over 10 minutes they were already outside the restaurant and they also were some paparazzi outside.
That makes Taylor a bit anxious and Travis notice

Travis: You ready?

Without more he went out first and went to open the door for her, she went out to meet with Travis hand so she took it and started walking to the inside of the restaurant.

Once already inside they met with Blake and Ryan.
The dinner went fine, they talked a little bit about everything, the four of them enjoyed the dinner
Hours later they went out of the restaurant so they could go to Taylor's apartment to spend the night there.
They were starting to go out when they saw the bunch of paps that were outside so Travis wrapped Taylor's hand and while they were walking out he squeezes slightly her hand just so she knows that it's okay.

Minutes later they arrived the apartment and decide to go to sleep

The next morning

The sun was rising so the light was entering the room. Taylor wake up first and saw that Travis was peacefully sleeping next to her. She tried to go back to sleep but she couldn't so decided to open her phone and check a little bit of social media, it wasn't her favorite thing to do because sometimes it hurt what people comment, but she though that nothing bad could happen so she went into twitter.

At first she started seeing what people think about when reputation is coming out but then the photos of last night with Travis started to show up on her screen.
All the comments on the photos were about how much they love seeing them together until she went through some tweets saying that she looked pregnant, she tried to shake them off and continue like nothing happened
But in a matter of seconds an article pops up on the feed.
The article was saying again that she's pregnant, that's when she called it enough so she send the article to tree

Taylor: hey tree, sorry to bother you this early but can you take this down pls? -link-
Tree: Tay...
Taylor: I know that you're going to say that I shouldn't see things like that but it just shows
Tree: I was actually going to say that I don't want you to think anything of that is true because it's not, people are just trying to create drama, you're beautiful and yes of course I'm gonna take it down
Taylor: Thanks tree

In that moment Travis wake up to see his beautiful girlfriend on her phone with a slightly anger expression on her face so he got a little worried
Travis: Good morning Gorgeous
Taylor: oh hey I didn't know you were awake
Travis: I just woke up, is everything okay ?
Taylor: umm yes I was just checking something with tree
Travis: I'm gonna go make coffee you want some?
Taylor: yes please
Travis: you wait here, I'm gonna go get it

Travis went out of the room to make the coffee, he started turning on the coffeemaker and also got some cookies that Taylor had made a few nights before.
While he was waiting for the coffee to be ready he checked his phone, he had some messages from his brother Jason, some of his mom and other ones of Patrick. He started checking the Jason's one and then his mothers, at the last he left Patrick's text

Patrick: hey man, thought you wanna check this out -link-

Travis opened the link that Patrick send just to see an article talking about how his girlfriend looked like she was pregnant, there was a photo of them last night but with a red circle around a non existent bump.
When he saw that he felt so angry that people were saying things like that, he understood why a few moments ago she looked pissed at whatever she was seeing on her phone and he also knows about her past eating habits and how that type of comments usually affect her.
He decided to go back to their room with the coffee so they could probably talk

Travis: here it is babe
Taylor: thanks
Travis: what do you want to do
Taylor: maybe we could just stay in bed all day, watch TV and cuddle
Travis: I don't see why not

They spend the whole morning watching shitty rom coms and in each other arms, they were in the middle of the third movie when Taylor's phone started ringing
Taylor: sorry I have to answer it's tree
Travis: sure

Taylor pick up the phone and started thanking tree for taking down the article. Travis was just there listening and not knowing how to bring up the article theme.
Moments later Taylor ended the call and got herself comfortable between Travis arms, he started to caress her hair

Travis: everything ok?
Taylor: yeah just a shitty article that tree has to take down
Travis: wanna talk about it?
Taylor: you already saw it don't you?
Travis: yes tay but I didn't know if you wanted to talk about it
Taylor: I don't really know how to feel about, I hate that people do that to get attention. A part of me is trying to don't care and forget about it but there's other part of me that it's just overthinking if I really look like that.
Travis: No princess, don't you think like that, you're beautiful. And you're right people sometimes just say horrible things but I want you to know that its not true
Taylor: Everyday I try to just not think about it and think that its better to look fat than to look sick but sometimes I just start doing it again
Travis: Baby I want you to listen to me. I know that sometimes it can be hard but look how far you have come I'm so proud of you and of course some day are gonna be harder than others but I want you to know that you're not alone, you have me, you'll always have me. Also you're the most pretty, gorgeous, beautiful woman in this world and I'm going to say that you as long as you need me to because I love you and you're not alone
Taylor: Thank you for everything

Travis don't say anything more, he just left a kiss on her forehead. They continue watching the movie and in the middle of it Taylor whispered an "I love you"
Which Travis responded with another "I love you"

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