"Eddie" she whimpered, her eyes widening in panic

"What's wrong?" Eddie asked

"The baby's coming. I- aaaah! I need to pushhhh!!" She cried, biting her lip hard as she bore down uncontrollably into a push

Eddie panicked

"Alright darling, it's ok. Let's get you in the car and to the hospital" he reassured

She shook her head frantically. Eddie wasn't understanding the severity of the situation.

"I can't, Eddie, she's coming now. I- Aaaaaahhhhhh! Help me!"

Rachel screamed into a second push, whimpering and shifting uncomfortably as she felt the baby's head move further forwards. Eddie watched, unsure of what to do. His heart was hammering against his chest. They weren't going to make it to the hospital.

Rachel was panicking. She desperately tried to stop pushing, but her body had other ideas and had taken complete control. The baby was coming whether she was ready or not.

"Alright, Rach. I'm going to call an Ambulance, ok?" He told her

She nodded, groaning in pain

Eddie pulled out his phone, dialling 999. He was connected immediately. After speaking to one of the call handlers, an ambulance was sent out, with Eddie being given instructions on what to do and how to make Rachel more comfortable.

Rachel was sobbing and shaking in pain, desperately trying, and failing, to refrain from pushing. She couldn't stop it, no matter what she tried. If anything, not pushing only made the pain increase. She screamed, pushing again. Eddie rubbed her knee comfortingly in an attempt to reassure her.

"Rach? We need to get you onto the sofa, you'll be more comfortable" he told her

She shook her head frantically

"I can't move" she whimpered

Eddie lifted her gently into his arms, immediately feeling guilty when Rachel moaned in pain. He carried her into the living room, laying her down carefully on the sofa. He kneeled down on the floor so he was in front of her. She grabbed his hand, squeezing it tightly as she exhaled shakily. He leaned forwards, placing a soft kiss in her hair.

"You're ok, you're ok. The Ambulance will be here in a minute" he reassured

She nodded tiredly, moaning breathlessly as another contraction began. She grunted into yet another push, despite her efforts to try and stop herself. The baby's head was moving with every push, which was worrying Rachel. Would the paramedics get here in time? She could have given birth by the time they got to her.

"Are you ok?" Eddie asked, noting that she was panicking

"I'm scared the ambulance won't get here in time. I can feel her head moving when I push" she admitted

Eddie didn't really know what to say to that, but it did worry him. He had basic first aid training, he knew a little bit about childbirth and how to deliver a baby. Whilst it seemed straightforward, a lot could go wrong.

"They'll be here, don't worry" he promised, trying to remain calm for her sake

Rachel nodded, unconvinced

She sat forwards again, grunting uncontrollably into another push. The pain was so strong and intense; she thought she was going to pass out. The baby moved again, causing Rachel to cry out in agony.

"Eddie, something's wrong!!!" She whimpered

Eddie panicked, standing up. He didn't know what to do. Where was the ambulance? Why weren't they here yet?

"HELP ME!!" She screamed, pushing again

Eddie sat beside her on the edge of the couch, taking her hand into his own. She looked at him painfully, pleading with him to make it stop. He wished he could, he hated seeing her like this.

"Rach, I'm sorry, I need to look to see if I can see the baby's head" he explained

She nodded, whimpering painfully

Eddie parted her legs gently, his eyes widening in shock when he saw the top of the baby's head emerging as Rachel pushed.

Where was the ambulance?

"I can see the baby's head, Rach. You're doing amazing" he told her calmly

Rachel moaned tiredly, pushing again. Eddie rubbed her knee comfortingly, watching as the baby's head moved further into view.

To Eddie's relief, he could hear the ambulance sirens in the distance. Rachel could hear them too, but was in too much pain to react. He sighed in relief. Help was on the way.

The ambulance pulled up outside the house minutes later, the blue coloured sirens reflecting on the walls of the living room. Eddie reluctantly left Rachel, dashing into the hallway to let the paramedics in. He led them back into the living room, where Rachel was groaning into another push.

One of the paramedics sat beside Rachel on the sofa, placing a hand on her leg to get her attention.

"Rachel? Hi love, my name is Abbie, I'm going to have a look at what's going on, ok?"

Rachel nodded, looking up at Eddie, reaching her hand out for him. He smiled at her reassuringly, intertwining her hand with his. He sat her forwards, sitting behind her before pulling her into him so she was propped up against his chest.

"Alright, Rachel, I can see the baby's head. You're doing really well" Abbie reassured

Rachel pushed again, partially sighing in relief that she didn't have to hold back or try to control the pushing anymore. She screamed, squeezing Eddie's hand as the pain turned into relentless burning. It felt like her whole body was on fire, like her skin was being melted off.

And then, finally, it stopped. Rachel fell back into Eddie, breathing heavily. Eddie brushed away the hair that had stuck to her face, placing a kiss on her temple gently.

"The baby's head is out, Rachel. Just a couple more pushes, and we'll have a baby" Abbie encouraged

Rachel nodded, gathering the little energy she had left. The contraction came again. Rachel cried out, bearing down uncontrollably. She gave up quicker than she expected, sinking back into Eddie.

"Come on, Rachel, one more push!"

Rachel groaned, screaming as she pushed for what felt like the thousandth time. The pain was excruciating, so strong she thought it would finish her off.

Just when she thought she couldn't take it anymore, it stopped. The pain was replaced with relief and silence. Rachel collapsed into Eddie, breathing heavily as the cry of an infant echoed through the living room. Rachel started to cry, it was the most beautiful sound. That was their baby.

"You've got a perfect baby girl" Abbie smiled

Rachel looked at Eddie, beaming. He kissed her cheek gently, mirroring her smile.

Abbie wrapped the little girl in a blanket. She carefully handed her to Rachel, who reached her arms out for her immediately.

"Hello, darling" she whispered

The little girl settled instantly at the sound of her Mother's voice. Rachel pulled her into her chest, kissing her forehead gently. She had dreamed of this moment for months. It was finally here, and it was everything she could have wished for and more.

"She's perfect" Rachel whispered, smiling at Eddie

Eddie smiled, kissing Rachel's cheek gently, before softly kissing the back of their daughter's head. Their little girl was perfect, just like her Mother.

"I love you... both of you" he whispered

Rachel grabbed his shirt, pulling him into a passionate kiss.

"We love you too" she whispered back when she pulled apart from him 

Silent Night- A Reddie Christmas StoryWhere stories live. Discover now