CHAPTER 17 | Day 4 Part 4

Start from the beginning

"Okay?" Pink's horribly perplexed, and still a bit knackered, but he runs inside to do as he's told. Albert turns to BigB in confusion.

"What are you planning on doing with that?"

"It's either going to give them a super dramatic backing track or give us some dance music and make everyone snap out of it. We shall see...once Pink gets the jukebox, that is."

Almost as if on cue, Pink walks out holding a jukebox in one hand and a disc in the other.

"I did it. Now what."

"Alright, follow me!"

BigB starts to walk down the hill to where the others are, Pink and Albert following behind. Once he gets up to but not too close to the group, who are too preoccupied with arguing over the enchanting table and preventing Tanqr from murdering someone to notice him, he points to the floor next to him and gives Pink an expectant look. Pink and Albert share a glance and put it down. Hyper happens to notice from behind Tanqr.

"Uh, guys, what are you doing?"

Wordlessly, Pink puts the disc into the jukebox whilst looking at BigB for approval. BigB nods in response, earning a quick smile from Pink. A second after, cheerful and upbeat music starts playing, which very quickly gets everyone's attention.

No one speaks for far too long, and were it not for the music, you could hear a pin drop. All eyes are on Fight & Flight. Pink partly behind BigB out of embarrassment, partly leaning on him out of tiredness, but it's not exactly working because BigB is doing a little dance.

"...As I was saying." Hyper eventually gets out, breaking the silence (and reminding quite a few people that he's even there). "What in the world are you doing?"

"Well, it was a tossup, but let's pretend I always wanted to dissipate the situation." BigB responds, not being totally honest.

" weren't even here when this started, how do you plan to do that?" Sanna asks, skeptical.

"Albert explained to us." Pink clarifies, trying to hide the fact he would like to disappear right now.

"And because you're all a bit upset right now, it's best trying to calm everyone down before we sort this out like civil people, because that's what we are!"

"Some of us aren't." Megan deadpans, motioning to Tanqr, who glares at her in response.

"Well...we're going to try to be civil people. And you're very clearly upset, so..." BigB continues the little dance.

He'd hoped that everyone would join in and lighten up a little, no matter what happened.

It...sort of works?

By getting everyone laughing at BigB's slightly terrible dancing, that is.

It's really not that good, but he's putting his all into it. A few people (namely, Ashley and Albert) do decide to join in for the heck of it, but mainly, it's just people laughing. With one simple move, the tension in the air completely dissipated, and it's like they're back at home.

Pink buries his head in his hands, trying his best to ignore Albert attempting to make Denis dance with him.

"Hey, it's alright. I don't mind." BigB whispers to Pink, reassuring him. He's a little embarrassed, he'll admit, but it's not like things got worse. "I'm okay with being laughed at for a bit."

"Well, as long as you're happy." Pink keeps his head in his hands as he says that, so it comes out very muffled. "I can't believe an enchanting table led to people nearly dying. If this is what happened now, then I'm terrified to compete against them." 

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