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Beep beep beep beep.
My alarm clock woke me up, it was currently 10 in the morning and I really didn't feel like getting up today but ofcourse I had to.

I turned on my phone and all of the notifications immediatelly appear one after another spamming, but one specfic message caught my eye.

"Charles_Leclerc has sent you a new message on Instagran."

I rolled my eyes. What does this man want now.

I put my phone on dnd and I cleared all of my notifications except for his. I clicked on it and I furrowed my eyebrows as I read it.

"Lunch today, 1pm. I'll pick you up." It said.

Woah, the kindness put in that message and no aggression at all. It made me scoff.

"Um, what?" I wrote,
"Since when are we having lunch?"

He replied after a few seconds, so almost immediatelly.
"Don't act like I want this."
"The team told us that after our encounter at the interview last night we need to go on a date, paparazzi are everywhere because of the grand prix. We need to fix this."

I just groaned and that.
"Ok" I replied, to which he left me on seen and I sighed at that.

I noticed that Angelova followed me and I smiled at that. I followed her back which made me realize I had a message from her in my requests and it transfered to my main dms now.

"Hi girl, don't worry about the rumors whether you're dating charles or not which you seem like you're not cause why would Lando defend you better than him... anyways, I'll defend you always and I'm sure the other drivers will. We know you didn't sleep your way in like the articles say, I love you."

That made me look at my phone in awe, did I currently have teary eyes? Maybe. But what, this girl is so sweet. I can tell we're going to be good friends already. I liked her message and replied.

"You're too sweet, thank you <3" is what I replied with.

After a bit of chatting we discovered that we were actually in the same hotel, we decided to go for a walk.

There were no events I had to attend today, only this stupid lunch with Charles.

I went to the bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth, I changed into some oversized sweatpants and a long-sleeve fitted shirt. I put on some lipgloss, concealer and mascara then left my room.

I made it to the front entrance of the building where I saw Ilma. We exchanged smiles before pulling eachother in a hug.

"How are you?" She asked as we started walking towards a park.

I shrugged my shoulders and chuckled.
"I'm okay, don't worry."

"You sure?" She says with a small reassuring smile.

"You never answered my question from before by the way." She chuckles.

I raise an eyebrow, what did I miss?
"What was the question?" I ask

"Are you and Charles really dating?" She asks in a bit lower tone, looking around to see if there was anyone nearby.

I chuckle at that but I sigh and think whether I should tell her or not, I mean we don't know eachother at all. I hesitated and was going to say yes but I realized that I didn't care, who was she going to tell and who would believe her? The media would much rather believe the fact that I hooked up with him to get into Formula 1.

"No, it's just something i was forced onto. You know, to save his reputation?" I chuckle and smile although It wasn't sincere and she knew that.

"Yeah, I can tell trust me." She says with a small giggle before gesturing to follow her to a a bench nearby. I nod and we both sit down.

Sour FerrariOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora