She held my hands looking at me sighing. "Your name is Jo Haein."

"Jo Haein?"

"Yes." She looked at me w hope I could start to remember.

"Like Lee Hyein?" She sighed.

"It's spelt Hae not Hye though, & ur a Jo not a Lee."

"But still who am I?"

"You're 17 years old turning 18 in December. Wait, do you remember Inhye?"

I nodded no making her sigh having a face of guilt not knowing what she should do now.

"Oh yeah my name is Lee Nara."

"Wait.." Nara looked up at me after I said that patiently waiting. "I think I recognise the name Lee Nara." When I said that her face lit up.
"Were we bestfriends?"

"Yes we were!" She got so happy & hugged me.

"But do you happen to see if you can remember anyone else here?"

I looked around once again, seeing a bunch of faces I was supposed to know but didn't made me get a bit panicky.

"I'm truly sorry but I can't remember anyone here except for you!"

"Yah Haein-ah! Calm down I'll just tell u everyones name."

"It's too much pressure.."

Nara sighed hearing what I had said.

"Would it be alright if you could quickly leave so I can talk to everyone else?" She asked.

Out of confusion I left wondering y she was asking that. Honestly I can't trust anyone.

In the room

"Yeonju! You okay?" Nara asked her.

"I'm fine."

"Where's Soonyi?"

"She went to get water."

Nara was kinda annoyed by that as she wanted to bring everyone together, meanwhile she checked up on everyone else & soon Soonyi came back.

"Yah Soonyi-yah you scared us!" Hana said as she ran up to Soonyi hugging her.

"Yah. Where's Haein?" Taeman said. "Did she not.."

"Haein's in the corridor." Soonyi said. "But she looked scared when I hugged her.

"Right.. Haein lost her memory." Nara said.

"What?!" All of them said

"How? Is she okay?" Yeonju asked.

"Yah Nara-yah, how did this happen?" Soonyi asked.

"We dont know." Nara said.

"Did she really forget everything? Like does she not remember a little bit!" Taeman said.

"She remembers some things, like how to eat, talk, some random stuff. The only person she seemed to remember though was me, she couldn't even remember herself."
"But pls let's not be overpressuring abt it, she got scared by just me before she remembered."

In the corridors

I waited & waited but it was honestly taking the longest time ever. That was until I got approached by someone.

"Yah. You okay?" It was a deep voice, not very deep though just like the perfect balance.

As I looked up I noticed how tall he is, I hadn't seen his face at all today.

"R u Jo Haein?"

"I think so.."

By my response he just smirked & got closer to me.

"I'm Lee Suhyeok. Nice to meet you."

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

Idagdag ang kuwentong ito sa iyong Library para ma-notify tungkol sa mga bagong parte!

I'll think of you || Wang Taeman x reader {I'll wait for you sequal}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon