|| Prologue ||

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-Queen Valerin's POV: 

I was sipping my morning tea on my throne when a guard burst into the throne room, and may I say, it was most rude of him, yet all traces of those thoughts faded when I heard what he said next.

"Queen Valerin, someone broke into the institution just over an hour ago." The guard said panting.

"Well, who was it?" I said, worry painted all over my face.

"It was a small boy, maybe around the age of 8?" He replied, sighing. I just gaped at him, before frowning. How could a little boy get around the guards? Let alone a small commoner boy Ishtar no training. What I said next surprised even me.

"Bring me to the boy. I want to recruit him."

——— Timeskip brought to you by Nimona eating your casts as Dr. Otter <3 ———

A clip was shown to me on one of the student's phones we had most graciously  snatched from him, watching the little boy jump over the gates, and stealing a wooden sword from one of the goon's friends who we took the phone from. I think his name was Todd? Ah well, that doesn't matter at the moment. Back to watching a little boy destroy a dummy with a wooden sword. When it fell, he placed his foot on it, yelling at the top of his lungs:

"I'm here to slay monsters, and protect our kingdom!"

The video ended when a group of guards completely crushed the poor boy. I sighed, turning to face one of the guards. "Bring the boy in." 

The guard left, not long after coming back with a small boy with long black hair and a scar along his face, who gasped when he saw me, stumbling into a low bow. "Y-your highness." 

I chuckled, bending down to get a good look at him. "No need for that, you can call me Auntie Valerin." He gasped, smiling sheepishly, slowly getting up. 

I looked down at him once I was up myself, hiding a sword behind my back. "I saw what you did earlier." 

He looked down in shame. "I'm sorry A-auntie Valerin..." he mumbled, getting used to the name on his tongue. 

I kept my face emotionless, but on the inside, I was ready to burst with excitement. "Which is why I want you to join the institution." 

He gaped again, looking up. "You're not joking right? Father said if it's too good to be true, it probably is. He said that about having a good child." He looked down in shame, and my heart broke for the poor boy. 

"No, I am not joking. What was your name again?" I asked politely, smiling, holding out the sword to him I'd been hiding behind my back earlier.

"B-Ballister..." He mumbled, reaching out for the heavy sword, grabbing it, and wincing from the weight of it, but still grinning. "Thank you Auntie Valerin, thank you!" Suddenly, he hugged me, and I gasped.

And I smiled.

"Can you come with me to a quick interview, I think the public needs to know about this." He nodded enthusiastically, but still clung onto my arm as a guard took the sword to give back to him again.

——— Timeskip brought to you by a human kebab, made by Nimona rhino———

-Ballister's POV:

I'm standing behind the queen, who's talking to the press, as I gulp, holding onto her arm tightly as I walked out from behind her to face the many reporters and flashes as people ask multiple questions, when a guard walked up, giving the same sword I had held earlier to the queen to present to me.

"He may not come from a noble bloodline, but he has the heart of a hero." She said fondly, making my cheeks turn a deep crimson as I walked off so the queen could talk to the press some more, whilst I got in a car to go to the place of my dreams.

The institution.

Word count: 650 (Sorry for the short chapter 😭 )

A/N: Thank you for reading so far! I will update soon, maybe you might even get a second chapter today, I love y'all, and I hope you have a great day/evening/night! Goodbye, and a merry Christmas! Also, please make sure to leave feedback if I've done something wrong, as improvement is a key skill I'm trying to work on. 😜 


Before all the Drama~ Nimona/GoldenheartHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin