o1 || happier

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The summer after Olivia graduated high school, her and three other friends decided to have one last hoorah before college. They hopped in a car one day and were on their way to Boston. Ah Boston. They were so excited. They had heard from numerous sources that Boston was just beautiful. Her friends had wanted to fly there, but Olivia had convinced them that driving would be better because it was more time together. Now, 12 hours into the trip, she was starting to regret not flying. Changing drivers every four hours,they were about 7 hours away.

Olivia still couldn't believe she had gotten her parents to agree to let her go to Boston with her best friends Emily, Seth, and Zach. They had been dreaming of this trip since they were freshman in high school. They finally made it. So far they had a Boston Red Sox game planned for the second day they got there. That was pretty much all they planned. The group was just looking forward to exploring the city. Olivia slept the rest of the way dreaming of what this trip had in store.

2 Days Later

Olivia and Emily had gone shopping the day before to buy some Red Sox gear so they wouldn't stick out. The boys were being stubborn and decided to wear their Brewers clothing from home, even though the Red Sox were playing the Yankees. Olivia slipped on her new throwback Red Sox shirt and a pair of white shorts. She tied a red bandana headband in her wavy, dark brown, shoulder length hair. She usually wore her hair straight but did it wavy for this special occasion. Olivia, who grew up loving sports, held the tickets to her first Major League Baseball game in her hand. This was her second professional sporting event she had ever been too. The first being the Patriots vs Packers game in Green Bay, she left devastated because her
Patriots lost.

The group of four called for a cab and were on their way to the game. It was 11:00 in the morning. The game didn't start until 1:00 but they wanted to experience the stadium and all it had to offer. The crew walked around the stadium for a while until they got hungry. Zach went to get each of them a hot dog. Seth went with and grabbed ketchup and mustard. The boys got back and they all went to their seats, which were right behind home plate. Seth was struggling opening the ketchup packet until he finally ripped it open with his teeth. The ketchup went splattering everywhere, including all over Olivia's brand new white shorts.

Olivia quickly ran to the concessions stand to get napkins and wet wipes. On her way there she thought they should really just you wet wipes with your hot dog. She found the napkins and paid for the wet wipes. She quickly turned to go to the bathroom when she saw him.

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