Starsilver(TFP oc)

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Name: Starsilver

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Name: Starsilver

Sexually: bisexual

Human Age:(unknown)

Gender: mech

Family: Stormbreak(sire) Stormfly(carrier) Thunderstrike(step carrier)
Blade(older brother) starlight(older/middle sister) lightstar(middle brother) Bladestrike(brother) Starcloud(two brother)
Black fire( ex daughter) diamondlight(ex daughter) dark moon(daughter)

Height: 5,5 ft(same as wheeljack)

Faction: autobot

Status: alive

Crush: ultra Magnus

Accent: Canadian/(half Ukrainian/Russian)

BackStory: hes with Magnus first met him on stage well performing well his brother starcloud supreme goes to earth and that cloudstorm was been treated him as scrap
Of marriage he was forced to
Shock terror Magnus dreadwing moonlight found out about there marriage
His ex throws parties
She taIk scrap about him
He saved Magnus from bullying by cloudstorm
His three daughters went to earth and crash land into the woods
Magnus treats him better that he was Optimus's key lieutenant

Starsilver can sing
No bot knows that he sings

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