Chapter Two

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It was late by the time Yuki got home. The stars had come out and the sun had said goodnight. He'd stopped by the secret base to look at his and Tohru's garden, taking a moment to remember the day they'd discovered she'd been living in a tent on their land. He smiled at the memory. She'd had a fever that night too.

"I'm home," he called as he entered the house, sliding the door closed behind him.

Shigure came out of a back room. He looked tired or like he'd been worrying all day. "You're home late," he commented as he rubbed at his eyes.

"How's Miss Honda," Yuki asked quietly, wondering if he should go upstairs and see for himself.

"We took her to Hatori's," Shigure said. He noted Yuki became tense at that announcement. "It was either that or the hospital," he added, trying to convey how serious it was.

"What?" Yuki let his bag drop to the floor, next to Kyo's forgotten shoe from that morning, the laces still hopelessly knotted.

"Apparently she has pneumonia," Shigure continued. "We're not sure yet what caused it but Hari's working on it."

"I have to see her," Yuki said, turning to leave.

"I don't think that's a good idea," Shigure said, coming up behind him and placing a hand on his shoulder. "She'll be fine with Hatori. We can drop in before you have to be to school tomorrow."

Yuki picked up his bag with a sigh. "You're right." He started up the stairs, retrieving his bag. "It's quiet tonight," he commented, pausing on his way up. "Too quiet. Where's Kyo? On the roof again?"

Shigure headed towards the kitchen. "He's probably still at Hari's."

If Shigure thought Yuki had been tense before, he was definitely not prepared for the reaction his statement caused. "Still?" Yuki couldn't believe it. How had that stupid cat weaseled that one? Not only was it stupid (what if Akito caught him?) but it also put Miss Honda in danger by his being there.

"I guess he refused to leave." Shigure started rummaging in the refrigerator, looking for something to eat. "Too bad we left out the wantons this morning. I had to throw them all away," he said with a sigh.

"I'm going over there right now," Yuki said determinedly.

"Yuki, let him be. He's causing no harm by being there. I'm sure Hatori will send him home soon enough. I doubt he'll let him stay the night."

"He'd better not," Yuki said darkly.

Shigure pulled something out of the fridge with a dramatically happy sigh. "Look, leftover leek soup that Tohru made. I could die happy."


Hatori stretched, running a hand across the back of his neck. The muscles were stiff from bending over a microscope, a sample of Tohru's blood smeared on a slide. He checked his watch, surprised at how late it had gotten. He'd had to put off running tests due to yet another member of the Sohma household who had cut his hand open while trying to cut something or other. He hadn't asked questions, just stitched up the wounded appendage and prescribed something in case of infection. He'd made time to check in on Tohru during all of the usual visits. It amused him that Kyo refused to leave her side.

His friend from the hospital had brought over the requested equipment, a monitor along with a few other things he knew he'd need. He rubbed at his forehead, his stomach telling him he should probably eat something. There had just been so many small interrupts throughout the day that he hadn't had a chance to really get anything done. Even Akito had demanded more of his time than was usual.

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