Chapter 1

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"Tok" "tok" "King, the Prince was born" said the royal guard, The king immediately went to the delivery room, he kissed the queen's forehead, "is this my baby?" Said the king "Yes, this is your child" Said the queen, The king also named his son "Arthur",The palace also held a party for the birth of the crown prince.

15 years passed, Arthur had grown into a teenager, he already had a younger brother named "James". Because Arthur was a wise, polite and intelligent prince, he was very liked by his people.

but his younger brother was different, he often caused chaos, stole and confiscated people's property, he was hated by many people, including the royal family.

Because of this, James, the younger brother, felt jealous and vowed to overthrow his older brother

15 Years later, the king died and appointed Arthur as the next king, Arthur was inaugurated with the title "Arthur first" (Arthur l).

Not accepting the king's decision, James left the palace to an area full of rebels, where he agreed with the rebel leader to gather troops so he could immediately overthrow King Arthur.

5 Years Arthur has become King, he succeeded in making progress in various fields, especially economics, education, infrastructure and military. However, James, his younger brother, was not afraid to see progress in the Kingdom. He was still determined to overthrow his older brother and become the new king.

but he realized that his strength was still lacking, so he immediately sent a request to the neighboring kingdom to send troops, the neighboring kingdom which also wanted to expand its power agreed on the condition that the capital area must be given to it.

James stupidly agreed to these conditions, he did not realize that in the future, if he succeeded in becoming king, the kingdom would become a very small kingdom and become the lackey of the kingdom that wanted to be rebellious and the neighboring kingdoms.

The attack began by targeting the cities around the capital, James immediately sent 200,000 troops to attack his older brother, Arthur, who only had 80,000 troops and was overwhelmed.

Long story short, after 1 month of surrender, Arthur was successfully removed from power and immediately captured to be executed, but there were loyalists who immediately rescued him and took him to a region in a kingdom located far from James' territory.

Chapter 1 End

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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