Condemned Are The Wicked

Start from the beginning


"This is unacceptable!"


I kept both of my arms crossed in front of my chest, tapping my pointer finger on my forearm out of impatience. 

"He was defending himself from your  son!"

I clicked my tongue, staring through the clear glass, watching the two parents argue through the glass. Both of our mothers were quite obviously not very happy with what had happened earlier.

After all, I hospitalized another kid with just one hit. I guess I hit the bastard at just the right spot with the perfect amount of force to break his wrist.

I smirked to myself, grinning at the memory of inflicting pain onto that idiot. Now... everyone will know not to fuck with me. Everyone will know.

"I'll make sure of it."

"And now I can't help but wonder... If I had a quirk of my own, how much of my wrath would I be able to inflict on others?" I thought to myself, interlocking my fingers together as I became lost within my own thoughts.

"If I had more power, what would I be capable of doing?" I muttered, narrowing my eyes slightly.

"If I were to be unbound from all of my restrictions... from all of my own weaknesses... what would I be able to do?"

Yes. My goal. I wanted to do what I wanted, when I wanted to do it. If an individual were to be able to do whatever they wanted,  then they were without weaknesses, without restrictions and limitations, without bondage and without attachments.

Without attachments...

My gaze flickered over to the door being pushed open, watching as my mother and the injured brat's mother walked out in tandem.

I narrowed my eyes as I met her gaze. "Without attachments..."

"Damn brat..." the boy's mother muttered under her breath. But I heard her loud and clear, sparing her a small glance. I made sure that the look in my eyes told her everything she needed to know.

That I would do it again in a heartbeat if I ever got the chance. In fact... I would kill the bastard if I ever  saw him again. That was a promise that I made by simply staring into the mother's eyes.

I was sure she got the hint by the way her face twisted into horror and fury. Acting on neither of those emotions, she walked off, leaving me alone with my mother.

"Let's go Hisashi."


"I'm sorry, what? Are you sure?"

My gaze flicked over to my mother, taking apart her outwards expression of shock. I narrowed my eyes, dragging my fingers along my pant legs in frustration, averting my gaze towards the doctor.

"Indeed, the boy does in fact, have a quirk. It was simply difficult to detect, which likely led to your previous quirk doctor to pronounce you as quirkless. However, this is not the case," the doctor explained, leaning forward in his chair.

The doctor flipped through several sheets of paper, gaze gliding through whatever was written on the pieces of paper.

"The quirk isn't anything powerful, however, it is intriguing to me. It would seem as though young Hisashi here has the ability to take apart and understand whatever a person is trying to say or express."

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