Immediately after chipping away at the creature's scales, I twisted and turned my body in a spinning motion, similar but not the same, as Idaten Typhoon, creating a freezing cold cyclone around me by dropping my overall body temperature to levels that would kill most. 

I raised my katana up as hundreds of more scales flung up into the sky from my relentless attack, preparing to decapitate the behemoth, but, using its wings, it flew up into the air with a powerful and abrupt leap with me still on it, nearly causing me to lose my footing, but I kept my balance.

The behemoth attacked with dozens of scales that shot out at me like bullets, but with a swift wide slash of my katana, I deflected all of them, apart from one. I gritted my teeth in annoyance as a single scale chipped at my leg, drawing blood.

"Frost Breathing: Fourth Form: Arctic Glacier!"

I imbued all of my physical strength as well as my entire body weight into a single slash aimed for the behemoth's neck, creating a loud and powerful shockwave that rippled through its body, breaking apart scales as I forced my katana to fully cut through its neck.

The head flew through the air, crashing into a nearby burning building, knocking the entire structure down from the impact alone. I leapt off of the still airborne body of the behemoth, landing in a roll on top of another building that didn't have as much flames engulfing it.

Before long, the body crumbled, scales falling to the ground and fading away.

I let out a small sigh, sheathing my blade, standing up straight. I jumped off of the building, safely landing on my feet as Shinso came out of hiding, eyes wide, stars shining in them with awe.

"Are you sure you're quirkless?" He questioned incredulously. I only smiled slightly. "Nope. Two joints and everything."


Shoto's POV:

"Get back!"

I created a large ice wall, separating mom and I from these green humanoid creatures that were relentlessly coming after us. I had to force myself to continue to reinforce my ice every time I used my quirk.

Even then, it would take these things only a few seconds to break through at most. The longer this went on, the faster my ice would be shattered. But I couldn't just fall defeated. I had to protect mom and get us both to safety, no matter what.


Mom and I practically threw ourselves into a nearby alleyway as my ice wall was obliterated in a single second, ice debris shooting out in all directions, cutting up my legs as I landed in the alleyway.


I looked up at mom who ran over towards me. I didn't say anything, only creating another ice wall to prevent the humanoid creatures from getting to us, their bodies slamming into the thick sheet of ice.

I forced myself up to my feet, grabbing mom by the hand and ran with her out of the alleyway, the ice shattering before long.


My eyes widened in shock, letting out a sharp howl of pain as my gaze fell down to my right arm, that was now bending in several directions, about five sharp green scales embedded in it. I gritted my teeth, forcing myself to pick up the pace.

I saw the horrified expression on my mom's face as her gaze landed on my mutilated arm. 

I had no options, these things were extremely close to surrounding us, and there didn't seem like there was any way for us to escape.

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