✦ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 8: 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐲 ✦

Start from the beginning

" We are not basing strategy on your movies, Cage" Kenshi says sternly

Back at the center Shang Tsung had plunged a syringe into the 'things' neck as he extracted the marrow but captive was able to break free of his binds and in only a few seconds he had killed the guards restraining him

He soon turned his attention to Shang Tsung and his small victory seemed to encourage the rest as they began to fight back with more intensity

It was brutal to say the least the guards would drive their spears through the creatures while they simply used brute strength on the guards

As for Shang Tsung he was doing his best to defend himself but after one hard kick to the head he was sent sprawling on the floor

" Yeah, I say we let them finish it" Cage says not wanting to jump into the mess

" Suit yourself" Y/N said with an almost maniacal cackle as his scythe formed in his hand and he rested it on his shoulder

" It's been too long since I've had action and I ain't missing this" the reaper shout ls as he leaps in the fray

As he jumps off the edge he raises his scythe above his head and brings it crashing down onto an unsuspecting guard

The scythe easily went through the guards chest and Y/N just as easily pulled it out as his smile grew and he looked for his next target

One guard let out a cry as he jabbed his spear at Y/N who sidestepped the jab he then raised his scythe with one hand and brought it swooping towards the man's legs

And with one fluid motion he had cut the man's legs clean off he cried out in pain but before he could even beg for mercy his head was separated from his body

A similar fate awaited any who attacked Y/N creature or guard it mattered not as long as some form of blood was flowing

The other three fighters were doing their best to save Shang Tsung but in the midst of their breath battle with the creature the sorcerer escaped he had taken the form of the creatures which allowed him to easily slip through their ranks

" How did he do that" Kung Lao asked as him and Cage watched shocked

Kenshi was battling who seemed to be the leader of the creatures while Kung Lao and Cage fought off his allys

But all the fighting had stopped as the whistling began it seemed to of somehow froze everyone in fear even Y/N's own allys were still unsettled by the bone chilling feeling it gave

They all looked to where it originated and saw him approaching them with his scythe resting on his shoulder as soon as he got close to Kenshi and the others he stopped

" As much fun as I'm having our man got away" he said in a low tone

Kenshi raised his hands peacefully as he talk small steps to his previous opponent " Please let me explain"

" I know what this looks like bit we don't work for Shang Tsung" Kenshi clarified

" If not why save him" he questioned

" Because Liu Kang earthrealms protecter wants to question him, he thinks Shang Tsung may be a threat to both our realms" Kenshi then steps forward and raises his hand for a hand shake

" I'm Kenshi Takashi" he says

" Our kind do not shake hands"

Kenshi then retracted his hand "I'm sorry I do not mean to offend

" Don't you know what we are "

" No we don't " Kenshi replies

" We are victims of Tarkat, The disease is not easily gotten, but you can't risk more close exposure, it disfigures then debilitatates in time, it will turn us all into blood thirsty monsters death is our only release " he finishes

At that Y/N perks up and smiles" Then allow me to.. "

" Y/N not now " Kenshi says sternly to which the immortal rolls his eyes and scoffs

" So you weren't always like this " Kung lao asks

" I was once a rich merchant, but when I became ill, I was banished, now I run this colony, I am Baraka " he says

" What does Shang Tsung want with your bone Marrow, Baraka" Kenshi asked

" I don't know but he comes here each month to harvest it" Baraka says

" Let us go peacefully and we'll capture Shang Tsung, and we'll find out why he's been coming here l promise" Kenshi says

" Hey not all of mind the violent way" Y/N smirks more then willing to cut them down

Baraka scowls at Y/N but turns his attention back to Kenshi

Kenshi pulls out the tailsman and sighs as he sees it is destroyed

" His laboratory is near" Baraka says " I'll take you"

After a while of walking the sun was starting to rise which made it easier for the group to navigate their way through the terrain

The laboratory was hidden in a forest and without Baraka's help they probably wouldn't of found it

" Any idea what to expect" Cage asks B

" Probably some kinda crazy experiments" Y/N says as he adjusts his hood

" Stay here we'll check it out" Kenshi tells Baraka

They snuck their way through the laboratory with relative ease until they came across a area that was filled with guards

" My money says that his up those stairs the guards are protecting so much" Cage whispers

The group summed up that these guards would sound the alarm but a smirk found it's way despite that to   Y/N' face

" I'll distract them you guys go up the stairs" he says as bolted for a door on the other side of this hall

The guards chased after him and as soon as they entered the room the doors automatically shut closed much to their confusion

" Sound the alarm" one shouted pointing at a mechanism on the wall but they were more confused when it didn't work

This made Y/N chuckle " Try it all you want your not calling for help or leaving this room I enchanted it with magic"

The guards though weren't too bothered after all they outnumbered him

How could it possibly go wrong


Hey guys hope you all enjoyed catch ya in the next

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