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{Narrators Pov}

It was a warm summer night when Denki and Bakugou decided they where ganna make a new video on there supernatural channel. They decided that they where ganna spend a whole week in a hunted town and stay in a so called haunted house that was like a rental home as well.

Kaminari was the one to come up with the idea while bakugou was just wanting to get more views to try and surpass there old record. As Denki and Bakugou was getting there stuff packed to leave Bakugou kinda noticed Denki being a bit nervous Bakugou didn't really blame him they was ganna be away from home for a week Kaminari wasn't one to really like leaveing home, But Kaminari just wanted to make his friends wish come true and get more views then last time. He wanted to make katsuki proud that, there channel has gotten so far. Denki kinda then pushed his nervousness aside and began to pack again. As he slowly shut his suitcase he took a deep breath and looked over at Bakugou whom was rather calmer and not so boom boom boyish this morning.

"what u looking at Pikachu" Bakugou said knowing Denki was starring at him.

Denki blushed and looked away enbarresed "s-sorry bro just notice y-you seem rather mello this m-morning" Bakugou tched before closing his suitcase "can't yell all the time it courses Rinckles" he said knowing the comment would make Denki giggle "plus u said it bothered u and made ur ears ring to much" he mumbled taking in something Denki had said last video.

Though Bakugou acted mean and loud and scary sometimes, he was rather sweet deep down he just took awhile to show it, and when he did he would just do it in his own way....

{331 words}

{Sorry if it's a bit short like I said it might not be very good but here is chapter 1 hope u like it}

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