This never happened

Start from the beginning

"Whr wr grng?" Mr wrdss frrl wrrd.

"Shut up" Gwen opens a magic portal and I see some grasshoppers having fun on a tiny little sled surrounded by ice cream.

"Whoops, my bad" 

"Fuck off!" One of the grasshoppers throws a badminton racket at Gwen. Not cool! Gwen opens another magic portal but this time it has an ice cream sandwich in it! Yes!

"Stay in here, its too risky for you to leave" 

"Whyyyyyy" I want to stay on this ice cream sandwhich.

"Because you're drunker than your uncle on new years! Lay down!" I feel sad. I feel really sad. Gwen wants to leave me? I start to cry.

"Why are you crying?"

"I-" I feel sad.

"Uhh" I can't make out Gwen's face but I can see her dark hair a little bit. 

"I'm so sad Gwen" I hug her, I haven't hugged anyone in awhile. It feels warm, her warm sweater vest against my skin, she pats my back.

"So we're still going with that? Fine. There, there" Gwen is being very nice.

"It's just- I don't know how to be happy anymore! All I feel is sad, nothing I do is ever good, nothing I say is right, nobody likes me, nobody wants to be my friend, not even my parents try to fix me anymore. I- I dont want to be alone forever!" I cry into her shoulder.

"Well Cody, you and I aren't very different. I know I seem like I have a lot of friends because I hangout with all these girls who are honestly mean to everyone and toxic. I only have one real friend, because that's all you need sometimes, just one person to help you through it all... I don't know why I'm telling you all this, I- we should go" 

It's hard to move my arm to get her back, it feels like spaghetti, my eyelids are getting heavy. I can move my lips to say one thing to her.


Everything goes black. All the noises fade away, all the feels fade away, I'm just floating in space. It feels like I'm floating in space for awhile. Will I ever wake up? I don't really want to, I love space.



"Hey losers, morning clean out get up- EWWWW" I can tell Heathers annoying voice anywhere, I start to open my eyes.

When I wake up the weight of everything comes back. I don't remember much, I only remember there was someone-

I look down to my lap, I can't believe it. What did I get myself into.


"Huh? Oh shit, I fell asleep." He starts to get up only to turn around and see Heather. She's giggling to herself.

"Oh my god! Who knew?" 

"Shut up Heather, fucking air-bag" 

"What did you say to me?"

"I called you an air-bag"

"What does that even mean?"

"It means you're stupid" 

"Noah... now that I have this information I wouldn't go around calling me stupid..." She grins knowing she's won. And what information is she referring to?!?!?! 

Noah turns bright red.


"Now get out of my house!" She leaves the door open and starts to walk away.

"Ugh, this never happened" Noah groans as he walks away.

"W- what even happened?" I'm so confused!

"Nothing. That's what happened. Bye cody" 

Suddenly he's gone, that was two weird interactions with Noah in two days! Well, it's finally winter break. Time to go home and do nothing for two weeks.

I start to leave but I'm met with Geoff in the halls also leaving.

"Hey man! You feeling alright?"

"Um kind of" I do feel a little woozy.

"So... who was the lucky lady?" Geoff elbows me and raises his eyebrows, I don't know what he's talking about.


"Everyone knows staying the night at Heather's means one thing..." Is he talking about...?

"So who did you get it on with?"

"WHAT? I- NO! I DIDNT!"I didn't do anything! What?! Heather walks up the stairs.

"Get out of my house!" She's getting mad. I start to scramble down.

"Please Cody? I won't tell anyone!" He really wants to know. But I didn't even do anything! I just... I don't remember.

"Are you talking about who he-" Heather and Geoff are talking on the top of the stairs.


"Okay I'll tell you as long as you host the next party"

"Deal" Oh no. Oh no. Ahhh!

"Noah" Geoff goes silent.

"WHAT? DUUUUDE I WOULD HAVE NOT GUESSED THAT!" I'm leaving, I am getting out of here. Nope. Nothing happened. This party never happened.

Opened my eyes (Noah x Cody) NocoWhere stories live. Discover now