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Bang! Bang! Bang!
"Get up. Now!" Aunt Petunia said through the opening in the door causing me to wake up with a start. "Make sure the breakfast doesn't burn. I've already had to prepare it the least you can do is make sure it doesn't burn. And you know what happens when you decide to eat some of it." I shuddered at the mere thought of it. Getting hit with a frying pan and then having hot water poured on your face isn't a pleasant experience. I was heading out of my cupboard when there was stomping on the steps above me causing dust to fall on me.
"GET UP." Dudley jumped on the stairs again. "WE'RE GOING TO THE ZOO!" The zoo. So many trapped animals that kind of remind me of myself. I quickly got out of my cupboard and fast-walked to the kitchen to make sure the bacon was cooked to perfection.
Once breakfast was ready to be served, I set it at the table and watched them all eat like pigs while I stood there and fidgeted with my hands. I looked around the room. It was Dudley's birthday today which meant that there were presents everywhere. It always hurt to see everything that Dudley got because what did I do to not be treated like that. You're a freak remember. That's what you did. You can hear things that others don't. Only freaks can do that.
I decided to listen to the quiet melody that seemed to come from Aunt Petunia. It wasn't that nice of a sound but it was the only one I could hear-besides Mrs. Figg's song. Aunt Petunia's song was very high pitched. Even higher than when she shrieks like a banshee. It sounded like when you would drop a microphone on the floor except quieter and all the time. Mes. Figg's is a little louder than Aunt Petunia's but still rather quiet. The song Mrs. Figg's house makes is louder than their's. Her song is like a cat purring and the house is a very loud noise. It sounded like well I don't know how I would describe it- it sounded like power, or something dangerous. It also had a dome-like light around it. I didn't like going to Mrs. Figg's house
"Boy! Come here!" Shouted Uncle Vernon from the car.
"Yes, sir." I say automatically like a well trained soldier. I sped walked to the car because freaks aren't allowed to run in the house. Before I got in the car, Vernon harshly grabbed my shoulder and yanked me back.
"I want no funny business. None at all. Do you hear me boy?" He said in a low tone.
"Yes sir."


When we got to the zoo, Dudley insisted on seeing the snake exhibit first. At the snake exhibit, I was immediately drawn to the one snake. It had a song. Not many animals have one, in fact, I don't think I've heard any other snake have one. It also had a small light purple sphere of light on top of its head. Apparently, Dudley had also taken an interest in the snake because he ordered Uncle Vernon to try to tap on the glass to make it move. Shockingly, it didn't work and the snake stayed asleep. (Yes, that was sarcasm.) After it didn't work for Uncle Vernon, Dudley tried to pound on the glass only for it to not wake the snake up and gave up. When they decided to look at one of the other reptiles, I decided to, well, talk to the snake.

"Hello. I'm sorry about him. He doesn't understand what it's like to be lying there day after day watching as peoples ugly faces look at you... he doesn't understand what it's like to be in a cage..."

"And you do?" The snake talked. And I can hear it. How am I able to hear it? Snakes can't talk, everyone knows that. Am I going crazy? You know the answer to that Harry, you've always been crazy. A crazy freak.

"Yes, Ms. Snake. I know what it's like to be have no one to understand you......" I looked down at the snake's majestic scales. They looked black but when you really looked at them, you can see the colors of the rainbow. She's so pretty......I wish I could hold her. And her's so bright. Her song is also very beautiful but not my taste of music. I don't really like maracas that much. That tends to happen when you're beat up with them as a kid.

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