in love with my boss | pete brenner

Start from the beginning

“See how the waves are going slowly Emma?” I whisper and points at the beach to Emma. “Do you think Dada will be okay to open the window for a few minutes to hear the waves?” She coos and I think it’s a yes. I open the window slowly with my free hand and take a breath and exhale.

“She likes the sounds of the waves and the rain.” I hear a voice and startle. I turn around and see Pete in a new suit and a new tie. “Sorry, I didn’t wanna scare you…”

“It’s fine.”

“I’m gonna show you Emma’s room.”

I follow him with Emma in my arms upstairs. She has a lot of plushies, a cradle which is very cute to see with some clouds on it, a big place to crawl in.

Pete shows me where the diapers are, the products in case she has something, he gives to me her pacifier, which I put on her mouth. We go downstairs and he shows me where the formula milk and the feeding bottles are.

“Well, I have to go. Thank you for tonight, I’m sorry if you had something to do but the babysitter without giving me a reason…”

“It’s alright. I had nothing to do for tonight. You can go relaxed, I’ll take care of her.”  I pat her back slightly and she giggles.

“I’ll be back at midnight.” I nod and he kisses Emma’s cheek. She puts her hand on his cheek, not wanting him to go. She starts to pout and cry. Pete walks away and closes the door. It breaks my heart to see her like this.

“Shh, it’s okay. Dada will be back, I promise.” I kiss the top of her head and rock her. She calms down a little and plays with my necklace.

I sit with Emma on the couch, play with her for a few minutes. She didn’t let go of my necklace. I think it’s a way to comfort herself for her dad not being here. I turn on the TV and put a cartoon for her. She bounces on my lap and I giggle.

“You like the cartoon, Emma?” I stroke her head and kiss the top of head.

A few hours later, I give her feeding bottle, pat her back to make her burp. She didn’t cry at all, she stays calm all night. I put her in her cradle but she didn’t wanna let go, she thinks I’m her mother, but I’m not. I’m only Pete’s employee and Emma’s babysitter for only a night.

I sigh and pick her in my arms. I walk downstairs and open the window to hear the waves. I lay on the couch with her on my chest and instantly she falls asleep on me. I smile and kiss her forehead. A few minutes after she fell asleep, I start to get tired and close my eyes.



I open the front door and sigh. What a shitty night, the worst date ever. I close the door and put my keys on the table.

“y/n?” I call her but no answer. I walk to the living room and see her asleep on the couch with Emma on her chest. I smile and put the blanket on them. I kiss Emma’s forehead and go into my bedroom. I change myself and put a shirt on me. I go to bed and doze off. 

I turn in my sleep and sigh. I open my eyes and rub them. I can’t fucking sleep…

I look at my phone. Midnight. I groan and put my phone back on my nightstand. I stand up and go to the bathroom. I pour some water and drink it. I can hear Emma crying but it stops. I walk into the living room and see y/n taking care of her. I smile and walk to the couch.

“I’m sorry, did we wake you?”

“No, no. I was already awake.” I sit next to them, Emma is drinking her feeding bottle and y/n is rocking her slightly. “She seems to adore you.”
“Yeah, I guess…” y/n says softly. “How was your night?” She doesn’t look at me, she’s still focusing on Emma.

IMAGINES x CHRIS EVANS Where stories live. Discover now