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House Hightower, a name etched in the annals of time, stands as one of the oldest bastions of power in Westeros. Whispers of impending doom surrounded the family, tales spun by the common folk predicting their fall upon the crumbling of their beloved tower. Yet, as centuries ebbed away, the Hightowers defied the grim prophecies, rising steadfast in dominance while their mighty tower loomed tall and unyielding.

Their might was legendary, befitting kings more than mere lords. A formidable fleet and port, and the opulent coffers of the Westerosi treasury—known far and wide as the Bank of Oldtown, an impregnable maze of a city, and the capital of religon, the Starry Sept—all these crowned House Hightower with opulence and authority. Some murmured that the gods themselves cast watchful eyes upon the family, safeguarding those who were among the first to embrace their faith. Oldtown, their city, stood as the holy capital of Westeros, its beacon drawing souls from every corner of the continent, whether for matters of faith, knowledge, or the pursuit of a better life.

Yet, despite their grandeur, House Hightower remained within the confines of their city gates and ports, shunning the allure of expansion. Because it all came down to one thing, as it always does in Westeros.

A prophecy.

During the age of the conquerors, the High Septon, touched by divine visions, beheld a stormy night with three dragon-beasts taking flight, their fiery breath consuming all of Westeros, leaving naught but ashes and ruins. Green-silver armies and the Hightower itself crumbled beneath the draconic onslaught, their once-mighty city showered with the cruel baptism of fire and blood.

As the young Madilyn Hightower gazed upon the dragon skulls beneath the Red Keep, relics of fallen conquerors. Relics only, naught more. The conqurors have fallen. Her whisper echoed through the cave, overwhelming the ghosts of her ancestors and the gods at her shoulder. Yet, it only served to widen her sharp smile, And I shall rise.

 Yet, it only served to widen her sharp smile, And I shall rise

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+ all rights go to george rr martin, david benioff and d.b weiss expect for my oc's and plot changes

+ english is not my first language so bare with me. respective critisism is appreciated.

+ as for warning, i think game of thrones is a warning of its own.

+ i wil try to stay true to the book/tv-serie characters and their personalities, but i'm not george martin so there may be some changes.



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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