She was slowly drifting off to sleep when she heard the clicking of claws against the marble floor as Willow burst into the room, her eyes the darkest black Lunar had ever seen. Willow raced to the other side and ripped open the closet doors and started to search through the closet, throwing things around. She whipped her head back and forth before rushing to their bed and ripping off the sheets.

"What is it Willow? Are the kids okay!?" Lunar asked, her voice shaking with fear.

"'s gone!" Willow cried, continuing to search for something.

Lunar's eyes widened, she covered her snout with her claws and started to cry "My daughter...GUARDS!" Lunar cried. Five guards came shuffling into the room.

"Queen Lunar, Queen Willow. What do you need?" they asked, bowing to each of them in turn.

"Search the castle for my daughter Lana. Turn the castle upside down if you have to!" Lunar ordered.

The guards turned around and raced out of the room. Lunar turned back to Willow to find her eyes a foggy black.

"Lunar...oh Lunar!" Willow called "You may never find your precious little dragonet unless you give up your position of queen to me. Once you do because I am sure you will, you can go search for her. Here is a clue to where she could be, I am high but low, white and transparent, and the coldest weather can come from me, there you will find another clue;however, be careful what you do..." Willow hissed. "If you don't you may never find her and your family and kingdom will turn against you" Willow stood as still as a stone before she slowly turned her head to her mother. Lunar reached out to tap Willow, but before she could even move, Willow lunged at Hope.

"Willow! Stop!" Lunar cried as Hope screamed and struggled to fight back against Willow. Lunar after coming out of shock she lunged at Willow pulling her off Hope. Guards came scrambling into the room and helped Lunar hold her down. Hope was covered in blood, a gaping hole stood in her chest. Hope was breathing heavily. Lunar called a guard to come take her away and to the infirmary.

"No!" cried one of the guards as willow broke free. Lunar turned around to find Willow flying at her.

"Willow! Wait!" she cried. Willow couldn't seem to hear her as she landed on Lunar pinning her down, her chest exposed. Willow's claws closed around Lunar's throat cutting off her oxygen. Lunar grabbed at Willow's claws, trying to loosen her grip. Willows eyes cleared to green and lavender. She looked down at Lunar below her. Her eyes filled with horror, as she realised what she did. She let go of Lunar's throat, her eyes shifting to blue and black.

Lunar looked afraid, tears running down her snout. Willow took on e look at the guard and flew out the door Lunar raced down the hall towards willow "Willow wait! Please! Willow!" Willow couldn't hear her, all she could hear was Donovan's voice rocketing in her head. She couldn't believe what she just did. She was a monster, just like Darius said. Tears streaming down her snout as she lifted off the ground and flew away into the night, lunar still calling after her.

4 guards came crashing down in the middle of the courtyard. Just before Lunar lifted off, stopping her from catching up to willow. Lunar rushed up to them, "What is it General Light?" she asked

Blood splattered all over their claws, open wounds poured red blood. Lunar signaled to Rebecca to get the kids.

"What happened General Light?" she asked

"Nimbustails, Oceanustails, Pruinaetails, Silvatails, Auroratails, Paxtails, Crepusculumtails, Terratails, Obscurustails, and Stellatails kingdoms are missing their only heirs, the kingdoms are in shock." General Light choked out. All of the kingdoms are going to war against the Midnight alliance, we were attacked by a wave of Ocea- " General light was cut off by the sound of one of the scouts collapsing to the ground unconscious. Lunar's eyes widened in shock

"Take him to the infirmary." Lunar said. "Silvatails planning to kill?

That is nothing like them, they must think their Princess is the world's best dragon to fight another tribe"lunar thought as she took a sheet of parchment, a quill, and a ink pot out of her pouch around her neck, and began to write as the scouts carried the unconscious soldier away, leaving General Light beside Lunar.

Cara Regina Testa, Solis, Soar, Birch, Nix, Noctis, Starfall, et Folium.

Oblationes tuas declinare debeo, uxor mea Salici et ego simul et haedos habui ad pacem faciendam inter tribus, nos non adiuvabimus te in Media Societate, nec mediae Foederis adiuvabimus. a Mundustail Foedus se tuentur. Multos annos in pace positi sumus et pacem multos ante annos intendunt. Speravimus semper Mundustail iterum creare. The Midnight Alliance toties to say to you that they are sorry, but you always spreted societatem, this is not their fault, I have idea of ​​who taken the dragonets, Queen Salices sperat that that which took the dragonets is not. res putat esse. Ita sum I. Hanc quaestionem tractabimus cum filia mea Crystalglass et Silvatails regnum in tribus diebus visitabo, conventus in media nocte incipiet cum novae lunae in caelo versantur. Nunc enim, nemo aliquem impugnabit, donec ad sensum sensibilem pervenerit, vel Auroratails consequentia nulla iam erit pars aliqua societas. Spero te videre omnes in regno Silvatails. Ego invitabo Mediae Foedus qui se expedient coram Paxtail mea quae dicere potest si aliquis mentitur et etiam dicunt in sententia finali. Quaero etiam filiam meam Lanam, quae hanc terram cum pace benedixerit usque ad noctem, cum furata fuerit.

Spero nos ad solutionem pacificam venire posse.

-Signatum, Regina Lunar.*

"Grab a messenger and instruct him to read this to every queen in Dracone," Lunar ordered the guard.

"Of course my queen." General Light said before he spread his wings and sailed into the sky.

"I hope Animo will be okay...and Willow" Lunar thought as she watched the guard fly away into the starry night sky.

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