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It had been hours since he left.

"It's an important one, darling. I'll be back before you know it." He had whispered to you as he kissed your cheek a final time before walking out the door.

Well, maybe it hasn't been hours just yet, probably only around 45 minutes. Truthfully to you, one second without your hands on him was like a broken clock- stuck forever in time.

You wandered aimlessly around your shared living space, your eyes trailing over the rooms and walls to find a way to entertain your boredom. The whole apartment stunk of him, his personality seeping into every minute detail.

You decide to busy yourself with cleaning up. Andrew tries his best, but his mind is often occupied with other things than cleaning up after himself. His (many) coffee mugs still sit on the island counter. The random sticky notes he leaves for himself are placed about nearly every surface. God only knows how many guitar picks you step on every day.

You grab the mugs, placing them in the sink. You walk around, reading and grabbing the sticky notes, they're mostly just call-backs for little tasks he needs to complete- 'call alex', 'get elwood more food', 'drink 4 liters of water', things like that.

The gentle reminders of the man you love spurs a wave of sadness over you. You miss him so much, he's been home from tour for just 3 weeks, and he's already being whisked off to meetings and away from you.

You open your phone, quickly typing up a message to him.

You: I miss you :(

Before you can even put your phone down a response comes in.

Andy <3: I know, baby. I miss you more.
Andy <3: I swear to you, as soon as I'm done I'm all yours.

You: How much longer?

Andy <3: Longer than expected, darling. Probably about 2 more hours.

You: Unfair.

Andy <3: Yes, I agree. Such is life.
Andy <3: I have to go now, darling. This is all very important. You'll have to only text in case of an emergency, ok?

You: Yeah, ok :(

Andy <3: I love you.

You: I love you more.

You set your phone down on the counter, turning your attention back to the dirty mugs in the sink.

Once those have been sufficiently cleaned, you make your way into the living room. There's more of Andrew in here, from the photos of you and him hanging along the walls- to the empty cigarette and gum packets on the coffee table. You truly don't mind cleaning up a little, given all he does for you.

Soon the only thing left dirty in the living room was Andrew's T-shirt, still discarded on the floor from last night. You two had set out to watch a movie together- but, you had ended up bent over the sofa barely 10 minutes in.

You really had meant to watch the movie, you swear. It seemed really good, but when Andrew's thumb began to draw slow circles on your thigh... well, there wasn't much preventing the inevitable.

His voice echoes in your mind as you think back, "You look so perfect." He had mumbled, his lips finding your earlobe. "So fucking perfect..." You remember the feel of his hand traveling higher up your leg, his warmth sending flames up your thighs, settling deep in your tummy.

That's the thing about Andy, he takes what he wants when he wants it, so long as you consent of course. If he wants you in the middle of a movie, during dinner, midday- he's damn sure gonna have you.
It's not like you'd ever say no to him. Not when his hands and tongue and cock are like magic, wounding you up so tightly before letting you fall right back into his arms again.

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