Pokemon PT 1 - Jake

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woo hoo

In this AU Jake only explained his reason in becoming an Eclipse member to Tess, but not [name].

Jake x Reader (she/her)

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Jake, a boy who went head over heels for someone. Many have said that this certain someone is Tess, but I don't think anyone remembers her. Right?

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He woke up. 

He woke up in an unfamiliar area, it made him feel a bit uncomfortable. His head pounded from the impact of his fall, as he got up and observed his surroundings. 

Where has the portal taken him to? He had no idea. He felt confused, scared and lost. A strange boar approached him. Weirdly, it had only 2 legs. At first, the boar seemed playful and docile, but suddenly it began charging at him with an intent to harm him. 

The boy's eyes widened. He quickly got up and ran. Where was he running to? Still had no idea. He reached into his bag to grab his Vaporeon's Pokeball, but it seemed to be missing. Instead, he found some weird blue triangular shaped discs. He looked up, only to see the boar, who was about to use Body Slam on him. 

He braced himself, but nothing came.

He looked around in confusion, just to see a rabbit, using ember on the boar, knocking it out. The rabbit growled at the boy, but he didn't run this time. Sure, a rabbit who breathes fire is certainly more terrifying compared to a boar with only two legs, but he felt somewhat connected to this one. He reached into his bag to grab a berry, but to his disappointment, he couldn't find any. The rabbit has lost it's patience. It growled as it's ears started to glow white, chasing the boy down. He threw many discs at the fire rabbit, hoping that it would stop it in someway. To his surprise, the rabbit entered one of them. Similar to how a Pokemon would enter a Pokeball. Colorful stars shot out the disc after it stopped moving side to side, maybe he caught it? He picked the disc up and stuffed it into his bag.

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Jake, a boy who has no idea why or how he entered the world of Loomians.

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Her presence immediately drew his attention. Why does she look like her? Jake raised an eyebrow. "So you must be the special trainer, then?" She nodded. "I am a trainer myself. I'm not the most experienced, but I'm learning all I can! What do you say we have a battle, for educational purposes?". The only response he got was a stare. There was something about her that felt familiar. "So? Do we have a battle? Alright, let the battle begin."

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"Amazing! You certainly are a strong trainer, just like a friend of mine." God. How she really was. "You know, I was really hoping this crystal would solve all my problems. This world seems so large and mysterious. There has to be an answer for me out there, I just have to keep looking. Thank you for that battle. I bid you farewell" He ran off quickly to the nearest Loomian Trainer Center.

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Dakuda roared as it Soul Bursts into it's Overcharged form, waiting for [name] to control it. But all she did was stand there and wait, as her and Dr. Vanta made some serious eye contact. Jake could sense that something was definitely wrong here. He signalled Lucas and Lucy to stop cheering as he slowly walked up to [name].

"What are you doing? Defeat him!" He yelled harshly as he got closer to [name]. She turned her gaze towards him, looking at him with siren eyes. His heart fluttered. All she did was just stare at him, she was never the one to talk. Her eyes brimmed with a fierce malice that radiated her entire being. What exactly was she planning? Her gaze was fixated on Dr. Vanta once again

"Stratusoar use High-Pitch Shriek." Dr. Vanta ordered as Stratusoar let out a loud cry. As a result, the group and their Loomians winced in pain, covered their ears, and closed their eyes tightly. After reopening them, [name] was nowhere to be found. Lucas, Lucy and Mabel looked at Dr. Vanta accusingly, he was definitely behind this.

"What have you done to her?" Lucas growled at Dr. Vanta as he readied his Garbantis' disc. Jake put a hand on his shoulder, stopping him. Jake looked at the rock next to Dr. Vanta.

"[Name] come out. I know you're there." Jake demanded, sternly. In an elite uniform of the POLUT corporation, [Name] revealed herself. Jake's heart shattered when he noticed the five Pokeballs attached to her belt, and the sixth one in her hand.

[Name] scanned Jake's expression, then glanced at the Pokeballs. Her nonchalant expression growing into a smirk. "I bet you're all wondering what these strange balls are... Except for the Elite Eclipse member Jake, hm?" Jake's eyes widened. Did he not tell her? "These are Pokeballs" she continued, "These are used for capturing Pokemon, which are basically the Loomians of another universe." [Name]'s eyes were glued to Jake the entire time.

"[NAME] WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Lucy yelled.

It was impossible for Lucas to speak. The shadow of his hat fell over his eyes as he turned away. To say the least, Mabel looked offended. She crossed her arms before yelling "How could you join forces with the common enemy?" 

"[Name].... It really is you..." Jake paused, his mind couldn't process all of the events and surprises happening. He took in a deep breath, and exhaled, "[Name]... The one I grew up with in the world of Pokemon? The one who beat me in every battle? The one who travelled along with me and Tess?"

[Name] raised an eyebrow. "Are you forgetting something?" 

Silence. Jake was silent. He wanted to tell her, he wanted to tell her everything. But why would she believe him? But what was there to loose? "Listen, [name]... I joined the team so that I could help you.. help us... I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier." He pleaded. The others watched in confusion. Pokemon? Team Eclipse? Tess? Another universe? None of it made sense to them, but they decided to keep their mouths shut for now.

"Enough of this nonsense." Dr. Vanta snapped, causing [name] to flinch. Lucy used this time to quietly approach Dakuda. 

As Dr. Vanta stared at the two like a disappointed father, glaring at them with a fiery gaze. Lucy used Dakuda to knock Stratusoar out, leaving Dr. Vanta no Loomians with enough health to perform. Dr. Vanta mentally slapped to himself, hissing at the opposing Dakuda, who was running away. "[Name] do something!" The older man yelled, pushing the responsibility to her. 

[Name] took out a small bag, tossing it in front of Jake. "Pick it up." He stared at the bag. "I said, pick. It. Up." [Name] repeated, with a harsher tone. Jake frantically picked the bag, dropping all 6 Pokeballs that were in it. One of them burst open, releasing his old partner Vaporeon. Vaporeon turned around to face the black haired boy, it's eyes sparked with joy before jumping into his arms. [Name] couldn't help but break a smile at the sight, she looked away as Jake's gaze turned towards her, forcing the frown back onto her face. She sent out her partner, Lucario, with her face turning serious.

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Loomian Legussyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें