Chapter 5: Scattered Memories

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Aoto: It's fine, Fuutarou.

Aoto: I'll....

Aoto gives Fuutarou a smile, but the latter knew it was a fake smile.

Aoto: Just write it down so I won't forget when Monday comes.

Aoto leaves the apartment complex, and this left everyone puzzled.....

No, not everyone.

Nino was the only one puzzled.

There was silence.

No one said a word for a minute....


Miku: Fuutarou....what Aoto said earlier....

Miku: Was that-

Fuutarou: Please. Not now. As much as I wanted to talk to you about that.....

Fuutarou: Now is not the right time.

Fuutarou: Besides, shouldn't be Aoto the one to tell us about it?

Miku: But with how his memories work-

Fuutarou: Ah, that slipped my mind.

Fuutarou: Damn it....

Fuutarou: I don't have any idea of what happened with Aoto back then.

Fuutarou: I just saw the aftermath, but not what happened...

Fuutarou: When I learned the truth, I always thought to myself that I can never forgive myself.

Miku: Fuutarou...

Fuutarou: Don't worry. Now that I saw Aoto just fine, maybe I can atone for my sins by helping him with his memory issues.

Miku: But Fuutarou, what are you planning when you asked Aoto about going here?

Fuutarou: For one.....

Fuutarou: I want him to have friends.

Miku: Friends?

Fuutarou: His little sister, Kocho, told me that ever since Aoto had that condition....

Fuutarou: He can't make any friends. From what she told me, Aoto really is different from the Aoto I knew back then as an elementary student.

Miku: About him losing his memories every monday, it looks like straight from a manga...

Fuutarou: Unfortunately, you already saw that it is real.

Fuutarou: To be honest, I can never imagine someone losing their memories over and over again.

Fuutarou: Probably the reason why he is so distant now.

Miku: When did Aoto had that condition?

Fuutarou: From what I learned from Kocho, it happened five years ago.

Miku: Five years ago?

Fuutarou: I don't also know the full details but Kocho probably hid more details.

Miku: But you saw the aftermath, right?

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