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A/n~ Alicent has clearly won the vote, so be prepared for a lot of Alicent lol.

The two months after Maekar was named heir, he spent at Dragonstone, overseeing his army of Dothraki move into what he called the Isle of Dragons, with the occasional visit to the Capital. The Isle of Dragons were a group of five islands a mile west of Dragonstone.

Maekar held half his fleet at Dragonstone with a small host of three hundred Dothraki screamers, while the rest of his large army and fleet were stationed in the Isle of Dragons. The Bay of Dragons which sat north of the isles had a harbour that could rival White Harbour and Driftmark, and the blacksmiths and farmers there could rival that of Kings Landing and the Free Cities.

"It's good to have you home, my boy," said Viserys when Maekar returned to the Red Keep with fifty of his men. Maekar knew that the inhabitants of Kings Landing were afraid of his Dothraki, but Maekar reassured his father in the council that his Dothraki weren't one to rape or pillage without Maekar's orders. "Come, we have much to discuss."

Maekar followed him to the small council chambers where he realised it was empty.

"Firstly," Viserys began when Maekar sat down on his left. "I wish to offer you a role on my council, I know you have a vast number of spies at your disposal, and I'd like to offer you a new role as Master of Whisperers."

"Thank you, father, it's an honour," Maekar bowed his head.

"The second matter is, we shall need to find you a bride," Maekar squirmed uncomfortably in the chair. "You are my heir, Maekar, I need you wed and with sons to strengthen our line before I go."

"But you are in good health, father," Maekar tried to reason.

"Yes, but I won't always be," Viserys sighed. The rest of the council started filing into the chamber. "Ladies of the realm begin to arrive in the capital as we speak, please try to find yourself a bride," Viserys begged.

"Wedding bells are in the air are they?" Visenya asked teasingly, kissing her brother and father on the cheek in greeting, sitting on Maekar's left and next to Lord Strong.

"Not if I can help it," Maekar groaned.

"Ser Ryam was a strong Lord Commander of the Kingsguard," the King began the meeting, the Lords and Lady bowing their heads in respect for the fallen. "But he was ill for some time."

Rhaenyra stood between her elder siblings, offering them wine. Both held their hands over their goblets, shaking their heads with a smile to show their thanks.

"He passed in peace, I hope," Viserys looked at Mellos.

"Yes, Your Grace, he was found to have passed gently in his sleep," Mellos reassured him. "His remains are being prepared by the Silent Sisters. The succeeding Lord Commander, Ser Harrold, would like to make haste in finding Ser Ryam's replacement on the Kingsguard."

"Your Grace. my Lords, my Lady. The Kingsguard must soon be restored to its full complement of seven," Ser Harrold began, stepping forward with the hand on the hilt of his sword. "With the help of the Hand, I've invited a number of fine candidates to court. All have passed fair trials."

"Four ships have now been lost," Lord Corlys walked in late to the council chambers. "The last one was flying my banner," he seethed.

"Lord Velaryon, we have talked about this," Visenya sighed, shifting uncomfortably in her seat. She had given birth two days ago to a stillborn daughter, and all though her father insisted she take some rest, Visenya insisted on attending council meetings. She turned to her father and the Hand with an apologetic expression. "The Stepstones have now grown into a conflagration, the Crabfeeder grows stronger everyday," the Lady of War informed them.

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