Daily routine(School)

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Me: *Wake up at 4:30 and go shower*

Me: *change into school uniform, solat(Pray) wait for little sister*

*At school*

Me: *sleepy and reading a book at the ISH* I hate school..

My friend: Hannnaaaaaaa. Hana. Hana. Hana. HANNNNAAA-

Me: WHAT!?

My friend: Can i borrow a book?

Me: Fr? *i give them book*

*After singing the National athem,pledge and School song and pledge.*

*First period*

Me: I hate math..

Math teacher: Blah blah blah.. The formula of triangle is blah blah..

*Class making noise getting scolded by math teacher*

Me: I should have skipped school.

*At the Canteen*

Me: *eating food* 

My friend: Hana.. I need $1 pls-

Me: NO.

My friend: Then i dont friend you!

Me: So? I dont mind?

*After school*

Me: finally.

Hanania(My lil sis): Bodoh.

Me: Budak bodoh.

*We both go home*

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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