user628: hope they actually go live


Ariana turns and looks at Madison who's on her old iPhone 11. "Are we actually doing this?" The younger girl asks and Madison nods. "Just till the cinnamon rolls are done."

"Wait, read me the password again," Madison says and Ariana reads it back to her. "Oh shit, we're in," Madison says, surprised that it was the actual password.

"We're in" Ariana mocks causing the both of them to burst out laughing. "Shut up, you were the one on Disney channel," Madison says while flipping the girl off.

"Too far."

The two girls take a second to quell the laughter and regroup. Madison clicks the live button but isn't sure if it's live or not so she shows Ariana the phone.

"Is this on? Are we live?"  Madison asks and Ariana laughs at the older girl. "You are so old it's unreal. Yes, we're live, sweetheart." Ariana says while grabbing the phone and propping it up on Madison's countertop.

"Hey, guys we're live from user45's account"Ariana greets while looking at the phone. "I'm Madison and that's Ariana if you're unaware," Madison says while smiling as she gestures to herself first then to Ariana.

"They're freaking out in the chat," Ariana says while pointing at all the comments popping up. Madison leans forward and squints as she reads one of the questions out loud.

lickmylilly: is this real?!

"No, it's fake," Ariana says and Madison nods along before laughing after realizing it's her sister. "Oh shit, that's Lilly" the older girl snorts.

"Like Lilly? Our sister Lilly?" Ariana asks and Madison side-eyes the older girl while trying to maintain a straight face. "My sister, yeah," she says only to break character when Ariana looks at her.

"You can't even keep a straight face" Ariana laughs after seeing Madison smile.

user3000: hearing Madison swear is so weird

Ariana reads aloud. "You should meet her in person, she swears in every sentence," Ariana reveals and Madison's eyes widen. "I've been told that an unreal amount of times"

"There was this one time I was at the mall and I was by myself for some reason and some group of guys wanted a picture. So of course I said yeah, I never decline a picture. But I'm like by myself so I'm already nervous and then" Madison begins to rant before being cut off by Ariana.

"Javon's in here, hi Javon" Ariana says and Madison just sits there dumbfounded. "Do you even listen to me?" Madison asks defeatedly.

"You're at the mall by yourself, a group of guys ask for a picture and you're nervous, continue" Ariana summarizes making Madison smile.

"Okay, so the pictures we take are mid and I'm just like 'that's the ugliest shit I've seen in my entire time on this fucking earth' even though it really wasn't that bad. But we take more and they're good and I'm indulging in conversation with these guys as we look at them and I'm swearing like I'm Lola from fucking Bigmouth" she continues on and Ariana looks back at the girl.

"The ugliest picture in your entire life?" Ariana asks and Madison nods. "It was fucking atrocious," Madison says seriously.

Ariana continues to look at Madison not knowing if she's dead serious. "No, deadass. And the only guy to agree with me was Drew." Madison says before her eyes widened yet again.

"Drew...that just reminded me of Drew Starkey," Madison says as her face begins to heat up. "I met him before," Ariana says while smiling at the girl's reaction.

"He's so....ughhh" Madison groans while covering her face from the camera. Ariana laughs at the older girl's reaction while still reading through the chat.

onwardwanna: wow not even gonna say hi to me?

"Javon's crying, he wants you to say hi," Ariana says but Madison is still too hot from just the mere thought of Drew Starkey.

"He is so fine," Madison says while still covering her face. Ariana's eyes go wide at Madison's words.

Madison realizes how that must've sounded after seeing Ariana's reaction. "That's not what I meant but I'm not taking it back" Madison shrugs not caring if they think she finds Javon attractive since she really does.

"Oh, hey Wanna" Madison says not wanting Javon to think she forgot about him.

User90: dream follow ?

Ariana reads the question aloud and shrugs in response. "I don't know, there's not really anyone right now since Billie follows me." Ariana answers before looking at Madison.

"What about" Ariana begins only to be interrupted by a pumped-up Madison. "Baylen Levine!" The older girl says proudly while gesturing toward her 'Benitez' crewneck.

"What would you do if Baylen followed you?" Ariana asks and Madison shrugs. "Besides die? I dunno, nothing." Madison says seriously.

"Besides die is crazy," Ariana says before Madison's alarm goes off scaring both Ariana and Madison.

"Well, alright guys user45 signing out."

★ ★ ★

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