Kicking him onto his back, she hops down and quickly tears his pants down, revealing his thick cock. Before he could protest, she swallows him whole. "Fuck!" Letting him go with a pop, she licks the tip and squeezes him. "Shut the fuck up or we'll get caught." Hearing her spit those words back at him turned him on more. She strokes him slowly to torture him. "God you're a fucking tease." "A tease? I'll show you a tease." She goes back down and doubles her efforts. He laces his hand through her long hair, but lets her go at her pace. "Please sugar!" She stops for a moment, her pupils blown wide. "Say that again." "Sugar." "No. Please." "Please Y/N, please make me cum in that pretty mouth." "Good boy" She smirks and unsheathes her teeth, scraping his shaft. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" She stuffs her panties in his mouth this time. He explodes down her throat, feeling her swallow every last drop. "Mmm, so good." Without hesitation, he rolls her under him and plunges into her cunt. His hips snap at an inhuman pace. Being super soldiers allows them to fuck at a brutal pace. "Fuck baby, your cunt is perfect, like it was made for me." Wrapping her legs around his waist, she digs her heels into his ass, yanking his hair hard. "Stop talking and fuck me Barnes" "Yes ma'am." He growls and proceeds to destroys her. To muffle their screams, they bite into each other's shoulders, feeling blood trickle on their tongues. The pain drives them to edge. "Cum for me Y/N." "You first!" They cum at the same time, swallowing their cries to muffle the sound.

Bucky rolls onto his back, his throat raw from screaming into her mouth. "Fuck your cunt is  amazing. I'm glad I didn't kill you back in the day." "Sweetheart, in 50 years, you never even came close to killing me." He chuckles and wraps her up in his arms. "Why can't we just leave all this behind?" "You know why." "I know, but have you ever thought about it?" "Of course I have. Once my debt is settled, then we can leave. I promise." "Ok." He kisses her nose then they get dressed. She picks up her shredded panties and tosses them at him. "You owe me a new pair dickhead." "Add it to my tab." "You know eventually I will collect on that." He wraps her in his arms and kisses her sweetly. "I look forward to it." Suddenly they hear voices just outside the door. It's Steve and Nat. "I'm telling you Stevie, one day those two will kill each other." "I just wish I knew why they hated each other so much." "All I know is they were both in Hydra with different handlers. They're fire and ice." "I know something else that likes to play with ice. " "Oh yea? What?" "A fiery red head who loves her Captain." They see Steve nip at her neck, making her giggle. "I knew it!" Y/N whispers to Bucky. "You're an idiot Capsicle, but a cute one. Maybe we can get some desert?" "Mmm." They hurry down to his room and when Bucky and Y/N hear the door shut, both let out giggles like a bunch of school girls. "Who knew Steve had it in him?" "Nat apparently." They chuckle and head toward the kitchen. When Bucky tries to leave, Y/N stops him. "Where do you think you're going?" "My room." "No." He turns around with a raised eyebrow. "What do you mean, no?" "I mean, Soldat, that you and that beautiful cock are coming with me." He chuckles and opens the door to his room "Nope." "Fine! I'll just go to Steve's room and fuck them. Your choice Sergeant." Hearing his rank fills him hateful lust. He spins and shoves her face first into the wall. Kicking the door shut, he quickly pushes her pants down and inserts two metal fingers inside her. "This pussy is mine." "I belong to no one, least of all you." He spreads her legs wider and uses her juices to  lube up her ass. Lining himself up, he thrusts up and hears her growl with pleasure. "You can say all you want Y/N, but you're mine." "Fuck. You." "I intend to." He moves her to his desk, knocking everything off. Her face sticks to the wood as he fucks her hard, pulling her hair back. "Say it. Say you're mine!" "Fuck." She shakes her head no and he leans over, going deeper still. He wraps his hand around her throat, cutting off her blood supply. "That's it baby, squeeze this cock tight!" He feels her angle her pelvis to feel him more. The sounds coming out of his throat are primal and drive her insane. "Say it love. Say you're mine!" He pulls out of her and she whines at the emptiness she feels. "You fucking prick! Don't stop!" He slams into her and then comes back out after a few thrusts. "I won't let you cum till you say it." "FUCK! Yes, this pussy is yours! Now fuck me!" "As you wish." Slapping her ass with his metal hand, he enters again and doesn't stop or slow down till they both on the edge. He uses his metal hand to grip her throat. "Fucking hell Y/N!" He cums deep inside, which then spurns her to cum and even squirt. Her juices flow down her legs,  joining his cum leaking out of her ass. They both collapse to the floor. "You know, if you'd just come with me, we would have done this on a bed." "Yea, but this was more fun."  "Hmm. I guess we go back to hating each other now." "Why do we do that again?" "It's fun to piss you off and see the other's reactions." "Seriously Y/N. Not everything has to be a fight." "I know. Do you want people to know?" "I...I don't know. On one hand it would be nice not having to pretend to hate your guts, but I do like having you all to myself." "Pussy hog." "When it come to yours, absolutely." "Ha ha. Just admit you love me metal man." "I do love you. I've loved you for years." "And I love you. Say, I have a really bad idea." "Most of your ideas are bad sugar." "Let's finally get married." "Wait, for real?" "Yea. I heard the next mission is near Vegas and I'm sure a couple of highly trained assassins' could sneak away for a bit. What do you say?" "What about everyone else?" "We keep it to ourselves until the opportune moment." He laughs. "Fuck, your mind is twisted woman." "Is that a yes or a no?" "Of course yes. You know how long I've wanted to marry you." "Let the fun begin."


"Nat, please let it go." "I will not! We need to separate them. I'm so sick of the bickering and bullshitting between them. I thought you were going to separate them!"  "This wasn't my doing this time. Tony made the teams. Go yell at him, though I have to say, you are very cute when your angry." She playfully shoves him and goes to find Barnes. Spotting him at the bar chatting up a blonde, she makes her way to them. "There you are Barnes,  who's this?" A tiny voice squeaks up. "Delia, and we were busy." "Well, I need to speak with him so shoo."  Bucky rolls his eyes and whispers something to the blonde, who leaves rolling her hips against him. "Now that you've ruined my fun, what did you want red?" "You need to stop this feud with Y/N." "Tell her that. She's the one always starting it and your boy toy keeps putting us together." "Boy toy?" Bucky points to Steve and she growls at him. "You're a fucking prick Barnes." "And yet you can't seem to stay away from me." She flips him off as she leaves. Steve approaches her and smirks. "What Steve?" He leans and whispers in her ears "Maybe I should have you speak to Bucky more, seeing how hot under the collar he makes you." She lightly pushes him, swearing to kill a certain super soldier. Steve slides in next to Bucky. "You having fun  pissing everyone off?" "Yep." "So, what's up with the blonde?" "What about her?" "You with her?" "No." "Why not? She's good looking and is obviously into you." "Please, I do have standards." "You need someone Buck." Bucky can't help but chuckle. "And who would you suggest? Sharon? Yelena? Maybe Nat?" He sees Steve fidget when he mentions Nat. "I'll ask Thor if he know anyone." Steve looks around Bucky and sees Y/N approaching. "Don't you think he need s a strong woman Y/N?" Bucky turns around and swallows hard when she walks up. "Strong? Maybe. A woman? Never." "What are you suggesting?" "Maybe you just need a big strong man to handle you."  Steve laughs as she knocks back her drink. "Maybe you and the Captain could revisit those old war days." Steve looks at Bucky. "It's not the forties anymore. I'm in if you-" "Stop listening to her man! She's just being a bitch." "Ok, ok! Enjoy the lovely blonde." As Steve walks away, Y/N leans into his ear. "You know I'd pay big money to watch you and the captain together." "He does have a nice ass, but I have a date later with a sweeter one." "Lucky girl." "She thinks so." He quickly pinches her ass that makes her squeak. "Oh, you're gonna pay for that." "I sure hope so." 

They hear the music cut out and look to see Tony drunkenly get up on a table. "Can I have everyone's attention?"  The crowd starts to gather and looks at Tony. "My friends, I-I want to thank you all for coming to my party to-tonight. You better be having fun!" The crowd cheers and raises their glasses to him. "Lets drink up, to me!" Y/N shakes her head. "Pompous prick." Delia comes swiveling her hips toward Bucky and Y/N rolls her eyes and walks away. He gets tired of her pretty quickly and introduces her to Thor. "Thor, have you met Delia? She loves liquor just like you." He hustles her to him and he slips away before she can notice. As the night winds down, only the Avengers are left to keep the party going. Almost everyone is drunk, save the three super soldiers. Sitting around the lounge area, Tony stumbles as he stands up. "I say we play truth or dare." Nat rolls her eyes. "What are you, 13, Tony?" "Oh don't be a party pooper Natty. Look, I'll even go first." Y/N leans forward and takes up the challenge. "Ok Tony. Truth or dare?" "Truth." "How many of your secretaries did you fuck?" Without missing a beat, he answers proudly. "All but two or three." Pepper shakes her head but is smirking. "Y/N, truth or dare?" "Dare." He starts to form a wicked grin. "I dare you to make out with Manchurian over there." "Oh man this is gonna be good!" "Is that really all you got?" She gets up and stands in front of Bucky. "Over my dead body." "Tony, if he's dead, does it still count?" Clint makes a face. "Seriously Y/N, that's really gross." "It still counts." She leans down to kiss him but he grips her throat tight, making her thighs clench. She pulls his hair and they look like their almost fighting. Under his breath he whispers so only she can hear it. "I can smell you dripping on me." Y/N smirks and punches him in his stomach, loosening his grip. She yanks his hair and kisses him. "Holy shit! She did it!" As they make out, he smirks. "Now?" "Now." They stop fighting and make out for real. "Uh guys?"  Tony's grins at the sloppy sounds of their tongues. Y/N straddles Bucky, rocking her hips against him, making everyone pause. "WHAT THE HELL Y/N!?" Nat stands and they look at her. James strokes Y/N's back he has hard time not tearing up her dress. " this for real?" Bucky chuckles. "Yes Stevie." " But, you guys hate each other." Y/N breaks off the kiss and looks to Steve. "Like fire and ice right?" They see both Nat and Steve turn red as they realize they heard that conversation. Clint chuckles and swigs his beer. "So you two act like assholes to each other for what? Kicks?" "I can't help it. I love pissing off my husband." All at once everyone screamed out. "HUSBAND?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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