"Oh Branch," Biggie simply said, looking at him with slight pity, before the camera shifted from them to Satin and Chenelle.

"You always ruin everything," Satin started, rolling her eyes as Chanelle looked at her before nodding, looking at Branch with furrowed brows.

"Warning us about the Bergens." Chanelle finished, both resting their hands on their hips as they stared at Branch.

"Okay... That was a bit mean... He probably has a reason for it." A purple techno troll said with a frown, looking at the Snack pack who sheepishly looked at each other, other genres nodding and murmuring in agreement.

Branch only looked around in confusion. Normally, the pop trolls would try to give quiet giggles, and no one would try to defend or stand up for him.

Sitting alone, BroZone only frowned at the scene. Branch was probably old enough to remember the terror of living under the Bergens. He probably remembered the day the trolls escaped, and remembered the fear of them being found while escaping.

It seemed like he never forgot.

The other genres of trolls only murmured to each other.

They knew how special grey trolls were. Grey trolls were typically only grey because they lost hope or feelings of joy, and despite most rock trolls having a grey undertone, they still understood the difference.

Grey trolls needed time and assurance, not trolls forcing them to be better or being told they have no reason to be grey.

Soon, the camera showed Branch staring at them with a sad face.

"No, I don't," Branch said sadly before the camera showed a different scene, showing him running into a girl's birthday party, then pushing the clown, shouting 'The Bergens are coming!' Flipping the table, then run out. In another scene, showing the afterparty of her wedding with the clown, before Branch runs in, pushing the clown out of the way, shouting 'The Bergens are coming!', flipping the cake, and then running out. In the last scene, it shows the rosary of the clown, the girl wiping her tears away before Branch runs in again, shouting 'The Bergens are coming!', though this time, he flips the casket of the clown before running out, making everyone pause as the widow glared at him.

"... Why would you do that?" The purple techno troll from before asked, turning to look at a flustered Branch, who hid his face in embarrassment. Soon, he mumbled something inaudible, making the techno troll get closer.

"Sorry? Can you say it again, I didn't hear you the first time." The purple troll asked sheepishly, which made the grey troll flush even more.

"Her friends' prank called me." That was all he mumbled, making the purple techno troll look at him sadly.

"Come on! We haven't seen a Bergen in 20 years." Poppy said with a smile, raising a brow at Branch before she looked at her friends.

"They're not gonna find us." Poppy looked around, lifting her hands as if to prove a point.

"Okay, not cool. At least keep some of his worries in mind." The purple techno troll said with a frown, making Poppy look around sheepishly, Creek placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, making Branch roll his eyes, the purple techno troll looking at him in curiosity.

"No, they're not gonna find me," Branch started, pointing his thumb at himself to prove his point before he continued.

"Because I'll be in my highly camouflaged, heavily fortified, Bergen-proof survival bunker." He said, looking at her smugly at the beginning before furrowing his eyebrows again, then the camera turned to Poppy.

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