• ☾ Chapter 1 | Sunshine ☽ •

Start from the beginning

Her hands were sat in her lap, she calmed her tensed body and curled her lips into a soft smile towards the shy Kanao. "Is something wrong, Kanao?" she asked with a soft voice and sweet smile. Kanao also calmed down aswell, due to her sister being so gentle.. she gulped and looked down to the ground. "Father hasn't been home in a week.." she said with a nervous tone in her voice. Shinobu's eyebrows drooped down in a sad form. It was true, their father was a trader who would go out to the country and trade with people. Shinobu's lips curled down into a frown as she was no longer worried about leaving, and she was now worried about their father.
She sighed and placed her chin onto her hand as she leaned on the vanity table. "It's okay Kanao, I'm sure he's okay." she reassured, Kanao perked her head back up and nodded, a small smile creeping onto her lips.
Shinobu smiled back and turned back to look into the mirror. She took her brushed and brushed through the strands of her hair, her hair that faded from black to purple.

She tied her hair into a flat yakai-maki bun, and secured it with a lavender butterfly hairpin with mint green jewels on it. Now her look was done, she was dressed and now ready to leave. She looked back over to Kanao.
"Kanao, wanna walk with me to the village? I worry when you walk alone." she said. Kanao smiled once again, and felt her cheeks heat up as she blushed. Sometimes she felt embarassed or shy around people.. even her own sisters. (Not a ship). She nodded her head and her side ponytail bounced. "Y-Yes, I'd like that."

Shinobu took her basket and made sure that all of the medicines were secured tightly inside, so that they wouldn't fall out. She checked them all, fixed a few, tightened the cork top and shoved it in a little deeper, and then smiled as all her medicines were ready. She turned to Kanao who was standing with a bag of clothes she had sewed the previous night. "Are you ready to go, Kanao?" "Yea."

The left and locked the cottage and walked down the path and through the thick forest. Blocking branches and vines covered in thorns that hung from the trees. Stepping on twigs and hearing the small cracks as they snapped. Vines and leaves hung down like curtains for the trees. They just walked through them, gracefully.
The heard the voices of the people in the village, and they knew they were close. Soon the voices got louder, and louder, and louder, till' they were standing in the middle of the village while the townspeople yelled and did their activities. Shopping, talking, walking, hanging out with friends, family, lovers, etc. Shinobu and Kanao
stood infront of the fountain, as it spit water, some droplets even hitting them. Shinobu scoffed as she was getting annoyed by all the people, she couldn't even see her stand! She turned to Kanao and raised her brow.
"Kanao, do you think you'll be able to get to your stand alone?" she asked, Kanao blinked and looked for at her for a few seconds, sweat beads forming onto her forhead. She nodded and her mouth fell open slightly.
"I-I think so." she said. Shinobu could barely even hear her, but knew what she said. She nodded back. "Okay, I'm going to go to my stand now. Be careful, please!"
Shinobu shouted and parted ways with Kanao, who she was trusting to safely get to her stand.

"This place is much more packed than the other times, I can't even see Kanae or Aoi!" Shinobu thought. The sun was burning itself into her eyes, she grunted and shielded her eyes with her hand, protecting herself from the hot blazing sun. She held onto to her basket tightly. She contuined walking till she felt someone bump into her and almost push her into another person. She grunted and turned around to the person who pushed her. "Hey!" she shouted, the person turned around, it was a man, a tall man, much taller than her.. His hair was jet black, and spikey, his spikey bangs fell down into his eyes and the rest of his hair was tied into a low ponytail. His skin was fairly tanned, and his eyes were dark blue, like sapphires, except they had no shine to them. He wore a white vest with golden buttons,with  half red half green and yellow geometrical  sleeves coming out and golden armored shoulder pads. She noticed a tag on his vest, and looked at it, it read— Water on it. She scoffed at him, and looked up at him.
"Hm?" he hummed in confusion. "You pushed me!" she shouted at him, she furrowed down her eyebrows and gritted her teeth, clearly annoyed by his action and his obliviousness. He just stared at her with a lifeless and non-caring look, he seemed pretty calm. "Okay.." "You can't just shove a lady and act all dumbfounded an oblivious! You should apologi—" she was interupted by his annoyed sigh, as he was clearly getting pestered by her. "I don't have time for this." he said, he still sounded calm, except there was a hint of anger in his voice. "Eh?"  she was immedietly shoved aside, she winced and held her basket towards her chest.  She gasped as a bottle of medicine fell out, crashing the ground. She picked it up and held it, the glass was cracked and the brown liquid leaked out. She furrowed her eyebrows and grumbled to herself.

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