Pretty much, her belief of them being from another world is 50 percent. And another 50 percent of them being a bunch of really good cosplayers hired by Alice to play pranks on her.

"As we have mentioned before, we are not sure how we got here, why we are here and where even is this place. We were hoping you'd delight us with the answers, turned out you're also just as lost." Derek said, sitting down on an available couch.

"The thing is that right, I still don't entirely believe that you're actually from another world. Like, I get what you're saying. It's just that, it's hard for me to believe it." Penelope scratches the back of her head.

"It's fine. We would be just as skeptical if you'd suddenly say you are from another world back in the kingdom, Princess" Callisto told Penelope.

"Can you stop calling me Princess?" Penelope said, slightly annoyed.

"How about no?" Callisto smiles. Penelope rolls her eyes.

"As for the question, I want to ask one thing. Where are we?" Callisto asked.

"If you're asking where you guys are as a whole, then you guys are currently in the 21st century. As for the planet, it's Earth. As for the place, you're guys are in my house" Penelope explained.

"21st century, your house and planet...sorry what?" Derek repeat.

"Except for this being your house, I don't understand anything you just said." Callisto said and went to lay down on the couch.
'Is 21st century this kingdom name?' he thought with his eyes closed.

"I don't really understand what you just said Penelope but good to know you're living well here. You even have your own house!" The Duke tries to give her a smile. It turned out a bit stiff.

"This is your house? It's quite small" Reynold commented on her house.

"Nobody asked Reynold" Penelope deadpan.

"Penelope, you have your own house. That is amazing!" Emily said with sparkles in her eyes.

"Why, thank you Emily" Penelope thought she looked cute.

"You guys can look around if you want, though there's not much here. This is an apartment after all" Penelope said.

"What's an apartment....?" Eckles asked. If it wasn't for Eckles standing near her, she thought she might actually missed what he said. Maybe he's the type to speak very quietly?

"An apartment is a very tall building where a lot of people lives together. They lives in the same building but different rooms. For example, every room in this place is my house but if we were to go outside that door and go to any other door in this building, it's someone else's. You are given options whether to buy the room or rent it. In my case, I bought the room." Penelope arranged her words in a way that would be easier for them to understand.

Emily and Eckles that were listening to her went 😮

"Anyway, you guys hungry? I can give you guys some ice creams if you want." Penelope rummaged through her fridge, looking for the boxes of ice cream she bought.

'Found it', she took it out and put them on the table.

Fennel joined Emily and Eckles, curios of what's Penelope doing.

"This box is icy cold!" Emily exclaimed, touching the box of ice cream sticks. Eckles and Fennel went ahead and touched the box as well.

'It is!' They thought.

"That's because I stored them away in the fridge" Penelope thought their fascination was both interesting and cute.

"What's a 'fridge', if you don't mind this old man asking?" Fennel asked. He's hearing so many foreign words today, how intriguing.

"A fridge is this thing" Penelope said and pats her a fridge a few times. "Come here and touch it for yourself."

Emily was not one to shy away and touched it. Her face turned confused.
"It's not cold?"

"Of course not, silly. The function of a fridge is in the inside and not the outside." Penelope opened the upper part of fridge.

All three of them gapped.
' There's ice in it!!'

"It's winter in this box!" Emily shouted out of amazement.

"Winter? This time of year?" Callisto said, opening his eyes.

All of them went to Penelope to see the 'winter' Emily is so amazed about.

When they stood near the fridge, they could feel cold breeze flutters on their skin. It's even colder when you put your hands in!

All of them look closer and some rubbed their eyes just to make sure.

"....A box is making winter. How fascinating." The Duke said, speechless.

"Is that ice?" Callisto asked, second guessing his eyes.

Derek heard Callisto and said, "This box makes ice?"

"You have magic in this world as well??!" Marquis asked, excited to even think about the variety of magic he could uncover in this world.

"If you have the money to afford such a high level of magic tool.... then how come you can't afford to buy a bigger house, or hire maids?" Reynold asked, genuinely confused.

The Duke smacked Reynold shoulder.

'What's with this guy and him keep asking about my financial related stuff?' Penelope smiling through the pain.

"So are you guys up for some ice cream? I bought a lot" Penelope opened the ice cream box to reveal a lot of ice cream sticks in it's packaging. Giving each one an ice cream stick.

"Are you asking us to eat ice now?" Derek turned his head at her. Penelope didn't answer him.

"The paper looking thing is the plastic okay? Don't eat it. Lemme show you how to open it" Penelope demonstrate by holding the ice cream with both hands and then tearing off the plastic. Revealing vanilla ice cream coated with a thin layer of hardened chocolate.

"See, it's that easy! Try it!" Penelope said and happily eat her ice cream.

All of them try it.



Eckles looks at his ice cream on the floor.
"Ice cream that Master gave me..."he said in dazed.

"Pff, hhahahah" Penelope couldn't help but laugh at the situation.

"What was that about?" Penelope holding in her laughter. Feeling bad for laughing while Eckles looks like a sad puppy. Looking down at his ice cream on the floor.

"It's fine Eckles, here take another one. Maybe I can help opening it for you?" Penelope gave him options.

"Then...can Master op-"
"But before that, fix how you call me first."

"... Penelope. Can Penelope help to open my ice cream?" He asked carefully, feeling shy.

"Sure, here" Penelope opened it for him. When she thought she was done, she saw a line of people that wanted her help. Emily, Callisto, Reynold, Derek, the Duke.

Meanwhile Fennel and Marquis at the side, eating their ice cream looking at the line of people. They shake their heads, smiling weakly.


The bell rang. An unknown voice calls out for Penelope.

To be continued...

Death Is The Only Ending For The Villainess {Reverse Isekai}Where stories live. Discover now