Start from the beginning

But after all that wouldn't do anything .

Gojo remained quiet. " you are no better than him" you coldly spat, opening the door and slamming it shut. Gojo could feel the stomps you created afterwards

He stood there for a few seconds. Many thoughts circling in his head. After your words sank into Gojo, his lips parted,

this whole situation was pathetic to him really...


Your face was stuffed into your pillow as you continued to cry. A swarm of messages blew up your phone. Those messages coming from Utahime who was oblivious

You felt heartbroken, you felt a crushing sensation on your heart. Your hands drag themselves to grab another tissue

Your bed swarmed in tissues. As cliche as it was, you had snacks on your bedside table just to forget everything by eating

' how could he? ' you thought over and over again. You never thought he would cheat on you. What drove him to do so?

Was it something you did? Or was it because you were annoying to him?

You hover over your phone which stored the pictures of you and him together. Well ' fake pictures' to you now. You deleted them immediately. After all what would sulking over him do?

You thought back to the time you hid with Gojo. In that moment had you been too cruel with your words? The realisation of your tantrum hit you like a truck

Did you overreact? You had no idea and you couldn't ever face him again. The thought of seeing him again somehow made your blood boil

Had he known that Yamaji was cheating on you the whole time?

You sat up, knowing time wouldn't pass so easily. Making a decision, you put on your shoes and you head outside the house for a walk


Gojo let out a heavy breath as he twisted and turned on his king sized bed. This was his tenth turn and he was growing restless

It felt hot even with the air conditioning on and it didn't help he was overthinking. Gojo massaged his eyes 

Many thoughts circled through his head, the main one being you.

Gojo sat up and pushed his hair back, checking the time only to discover it was only 2am, meaning not a minute had passed since he checked the time. Sleeping wasn't an option anymore

Gojo closed his eyes again , reliving the moment with you before. He just couldn't put his finger on it.

Just how did you bypass his infinity?

Gojo was sure he had it on when he tested it after the whole ordeal. Yet you dragged him so easily. Was something wrong with him? Maybe he didn't have it on and forgot about it

Or did you figure out how to bypass it...Gojo massaged his head dizzily.

Even your curse technique was something he had never seen before ( literally) . All he did was blink and the curse was gone.

𝗡𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗥 𝗔𝗚𝗔𝗜𝗡. - 𝗀𝗈𝗃𝗈 𝗑 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 Where stories live. Discover now