The Birth of Venus (daemon x reader)

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Is this the third or fourth time he's been exiled? Daemon can't seem to keep up. His own sweet niece was the cause of it this time. He couldn't, or rather wouldn't, keep his hands off of her. He heads to Lys this time. He enjoys Lys, mainly taking pleasure from the appearance of Lyseni whores. That's what draws him to you. You sit in the pleasure house, surrounded by the other girls who all try to look desirable. The madam has you posing as the Birth of Venus. She gave you the honour of portraying the love goddess herself, encircled by the nymphs. His eyes fill with lust at the sight of you. Who better to play as Venus than a girl who looks so inherently... Valyrian.

"I want her." He says to your madam as he looks directly at you, his gaze piercing.

"My Lord, I am afraid I am reserved." You say with a little smirk on your face. You were told to speak these words every time you were asked for until a bid for your virginity is accepted.

"No she's not." The madam says quickly. "But she is a virgin... a very expensive one, my prince." You bristle at the title. A prince?

"No price is too great for such a pretty little nymphet." He says, dropping a bag of gold coins into her hand.

"I am no nymph. I am Venus." You say, putting yourself on a pedestal for him.

He looks amused. "I'm sure you are." He says and holds up a hand for you to take, leading you off your watery throne.

"You are a prince?" You ask innocently.

"The Rogue Prince." You nearly gasp.

"You're Daemon Targaryen."

"Who else would I be?" He holds open a door for you, letting you enter first.

"Some rich Lyseni lord who has enough money to call himself 'prince'." You say a bit snippily.

"I can prove it to you, show you my dragon, Caraxes." He says as he walks up behind you, brushing your hair off your shoulder.

"Is that what you call your cock?" You ask playfully. He laughs.

"You're quick... for a harlot." He presses a light kiss to your neck.

"I'm no harlot yet. Not while I am still a maiden." You whisper.

"I can fix that." He doesn't take the time to untie your chemise, he instead tears it down the middle and lets the shreds slip off of you, causing you to gasp. He is clearly pleased by your lack of smallclothes. You can tell by the way his fingers trace around your breasts. "Such a pretty girl. You're no common Lyseni whore. There's Valyrian blood in you. I can feel it." He turns you and brushes a strand of hair behind your ear. You gaze up at him. "Tell me of your parents."

You shrug. "My mother washes clothes."

"And your father?"

You shrug again.

"Hmm..." He hums. The prince clearly thinks that you're dragonseed. He just is trying to figure out who's you are, deciding that you are perhaps a little too old to be his.

"Is it a matter of importance, my prince?" You ask, your tone a little too disrespectful for the fact that you are speaking to royalty.

"Should you be speaking to a man who has you, naked in a bedchamber, like that?" He speaks, always with that air of amusement. He enjoys your temper. It's the same Targaryen temper that he has.

"I have been reserving it for you, your grace."

He chuckles. "Little seductress." He grabs you by the chin, gently as first before swiftly tilting your head up and to the side. "Get on the bed."  You scurry over, quickly lying on the bed. His eyes are dark as he looks over you. He pulls his trousers down slightly so he can pump his cock as he watches you. It makes you nervous, how domineering he is, how... large certain parts of him are. "Don't be scared. I'm going to make a woman out of you."

"I can't imagine, with all that confidence, that some of it isn't misplaced." You tease because you can see how he likes it.

"Spread your legs." Is all that he says in response. You do as he bids and are surprised when a harsh slap comes down between your thighs.

"Ah!" You wince and curl in on yourself.

"I didn't say to close them." He says sternly so you spread your legs again and take the following two smacks without complaint. Your eyes are watering at this point. "Not so bratty now, are you?" He gives you one of those wolfish smirks and you pout.

"Are you toying with me or fucking me? It must be hard to get it up at your age." Now, you've given him something to prove. Just after you get the words out, he sheafs himself inside of you, right to the hilt.

"I was going to be gentle with you, Venus, but now I don't think you deserve it."

"I didn't think that dragons were meant to be gentle." He can see a similar fire burning in your eyes, a twinflame to himself. He brings his lips down to yours for a hungry kiss before he begins to pound into you. It hurts from his size but that only makes it better. You want him, desperately.

"Do I... please you, my prince?" You put on an innocent face for him.

"I think your tight cunt would please any man, zaldrītsos." He says as he fucks into you ruthlessly.

"zaldrītsos?" You ask him.

"It means you're my little dragon, my zaldrītsos." He nibbles at your neck and you whimper, his thrusts continue quickly and deeply. "I'm going to put a baby in you. You'll carry my heir, Venus." He places his hand on your tummy. "Right in here." He presses down and the action pushes you over the edge as you tightly squeeze around him, your peak washing over you in full force. "Fuck." He murmurs. "So tight." The way you contract around his cock has him spilling his seed deep inside of you.

He pulls himself out but quickly replaces his cock with his fingers so none of his cum spills out. "Can't have you wasting my seed now."

"I'll have a baby now, my prince?" You look at him from beneath your lashes. You've never yearned for someone so. It is like your blood calls for his.

"If I breed you regularly, you will." He runs his thumb over your lips. "Then... then I think that I just might make you my wife."

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