Kin against Kin

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Lytharial, with each deliberate step, emerged from the graveyard of snow. Her movements, a macabre ballet of grief and vengeance, painted a vivid portrait of defiance against the encroaching darkness. The air crackled with tension as she closed the distance to Valthor, her eyes ablaze with a lethal resolve.

The moon, a silent witness to the unfolding tragedy, cast its silvery glow upon the battlefield, etching the contours of Lytharial's silhouette against the stark white canvas of this place. Every breath she took seemed to draw in the desolation around her, a prelude to the storm that raged within.

The corrupted beings, twisted reflections of what they once were, lunged at Lytharial with a maddening fervor. Each swing of their weapons carried the stench of betrayal and malice. Lytharial, though wearied and drained, became a tempest amidst the swirling shadows.

Her twin blades, once wielded with grace and precision, now danced with the chaotic rhythm of despair. She dodged a blow from an orc, spun around a corrupted elf, and struck down a human with a lethal grace. Yet, with each strike, her movements bore the weight of exhaustion, her once-fluid motions now an anguished ballet.

Blood, both hers and that of her adversaries, painted the snow beneath her feet. The cold air, unforgiving in its embrace, seemed to seep into her very soul, chilling the fire that had once burned within her. Yet, the flickering embers of vengeance still smoldered in her eyes.

As the corrupted horde pressed on, Lytharial's thoughts swirled in the tempest of her mind. Thalassa's lifeless gaze haunted her, a specter urging her to endure, to fight. The need to avenge her sister, to obliterate the darkness that had claimed her, fueled a dwindling flame within Lytharial's battered spirit.

With each clash, Lytharial's resolve wavered. The swords felt heavier, the wounds deeper, and the world around her blurred in a haze of exhaustion. Amid the chaotic melee, she found herself questioning the purpose of it all. Why endure such pain? What was the point of clinging to a life that seemed eternally shrouded in shadow?

Yet, a glimmer of determination pierced through the murk of despair. Valthor, the puppeteer of her torment, stood amidst the chaos, his malevolent gaze fixed upon her. The twisted mockery of a smile on his lips fueled a rage that momentarily eclipsed the weariness.

As the corrupted beings closed in, Lytharial's blades cleaved through the dark, her movements guided by a force beyond the physical. Each strike, a cathartic release of anguish, carried the weight of Thalassa's stolen future. The pain she felt, not just from the wounds inflicted upon her flesh but from the raw ache of loss, spurred her on.

In that desperate moment, Lytharial found herself at the precipice of surrender. The desire for release tugged at her weary limbs, beckoning her to embrace the numbness that threatened to consume her. Yet, a single thought anchored her to the tumultuous present — Valthor must fall.

As the battle raged on, Lytharial fought against the overwhelming odds. Her once graceful movements were now a dance of agony, each step a testament to the toll exacted by the relentless onslaught. The corrupt entities closed in, an unrelenting tide that sought to drown the last flickers of resistance.

A sudden, searing pain lanced through her arm as a human, driven by the twisted thirst for destruction, exploited an opening. The blade bit deep, leaving an agonizing wound that further sapped her strength. Barely recovering from the first assault, an orc swung a brutal axe, slashing across her leg. The impact reverberated through her body, and Lytharial staggered, her movements hindered by the fresh grievance.

If only she could hear Legolas's scream as she fell to the ground...

Yet, she persisted. Blood, a macabre offering to the winter landscape, spilled from her wounds, staining the once pristine snow with a crimson tapestry. The ground beneath her bore witness to the testament of a warrior's tenacity, every step imprinted in the red-tinged white expanse.

Shadow of MirkwoodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora