Poor, poor Prussia

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So....I've met a friend, like, three months ago (or so) but it's loike, My awesome majestice bestie now. And sometimes....She help me deal with Prussia..... Anyways enjoy guysss ;)

So. we were basically sleeping, really great, taking a siesta, And, Prussia had this bad idea. HE did it only once.

Lacy And Ileana(Firend): *Sleeping, not disturbing anyone*

Prussia: *Passes by and see us* "Kesesesese~ LEt'S see if my friends want to do something about this" *Calls Antonio and France* "Yeah...Could you come over here please?....I found somthing interesting"

France and Antonio: "Yes, Prussia"


France: "Honhonhon~ What a beautiful portrait" *Begins to pet our hair* "They look cut yet hot"

Antonio: "Really Hot...." *Looks down at us* 

Prussia: "KEsesese~ I have an idea!" *Smirks evily*

Frnce: "Honhonhon, What is that smirk for~?"

Prussia: They're so hot they need to be cool down"

Antonio: Fusososo~ And They'll look even more hot after"

France: "So hot that maybe we will get a sexy time! oHONHONHON~"

*The BTT Go and get cold water with ice buckets*

Prussia: "You're recording france?"

France: "Yes!"

Spain: "Fusososo~ That'll sure be funny! Let's do it to mi tomate after!"

France: "Sure!~ Romano Would look hot, all yet"

Spain: "HE does.....Aspecially when he's moaning"

Prussia: "Mien friends, focus!"

SPain: "YEah sorry"

France: .I'm waiting for both of you, mes Chers amis~"

Prussia: "At three!  Ready? One......"

Spain: "Two....."

France: "THREE!"

Lacy: "Huh?"

Prussia and spain: *Poor water on us*

Ileana: "WHAT?"

Lacy: "........"

Franc: "ohONHONHON"

Prussia: "Kesesese~You got that Francey pants?"

Spain: "Fusososo"

Lacy: "Guys~ How about you give that film to me and you let me kill you" *Black aura*

Spain: I just remember that Romano is waiting for me" *Runs away*

Lacy: *Jumps On france to try to get the video*

France: "MON AMI! CATCH IT!" *Throw camera at Prussia and hold lacy* "Run! i'm HOLDING HER!"

PRussia: *Catches camera*

Ileana: "I'm after him!"  *Black aura*

Prussia: *Glups and begins to run*

Ileana: "COME BACK HERE!" *Grabs A knife and run after him*

France: "Don't die, mon amie!"

Ileana: "Come back here with that camera, prussia, my dear friend!"

Lacy: "This is just- let me go!"

Prussia: *Gets caught by Ileana* "THE AWESOME ME WILL NEVER GIVE IT"

Ileana: "So...Where should I cout first then?"

Lacy: "BEtween the legs!"

France: *Glups*

Prussia: *Glups* .Ok, here, have it!" *HAnds the camera*

Ileana "Sweet! Thanks!"

My randomness of doomKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat