Chapter IX

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Chapter IX - Past

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Chapter IX - Past


"I'll find you again.. No matter what. I'll always come back to you. You're my home." Everything was blurry. Another one of those sudden memories that keep coming back to her every once in a while. Her stomach was bleeding, she was being held by a man with a face so blurry she couldn't recognize it.


"(Y/n)-sensei, you okay?" Nobara asked as she sat beside her as the boys were too absorbed in that competition but they seemed to enjoy themselves. Maki then went to them as she got bored watching the two fight over who knows her best. "How is he even the strongest?" The green haired woman joked.

The three women laughed while watching them as you would see a small smile form on Nanami's lips. "Okay, enough you two." (Y/n) sighed after it all went too far, they were in a tie. Choso had his arms crossed as Gojo crossed his legs with a pout. "What exactly is your goal here?" She asked the two, waiting for them to answer.

Choso looked down and answered. "We were trying to know who knows you better.." he mumbled like a child. "We bet on it. Whoever knows you the best will hav-" Gojo couldn't finish as Choso covered his mouth but (Y/n) knew all too well what he was about to say.

"Oh, let me guess, whoever knows me the best will have me?" From her tone, it was quite obvious that she was furious as her eyes darted to Choso with a disappointed look. "I expected so much more from you. Yet here you are, treating me like a trophy." She scoffed, standing up and leaving.

The two women looked at her leave as they sighed. "Okay, who thought of this?" Maki looked at them as Panda raised his paw. "Sorry. I'm just a panda-" he tried to reason. Choso went after her. It was dark already and he was worried but he also wanted to apologize.

(Y/n) heard the footsteps following her. But she stomped louder. Words couldn't describe how mad she was. She was expecting this from Gojo since he was only serious to matters that require saving the world but never with her.

"(Y/n) please wait! Let me explain!" Choso shouted, his eyes were starting to water, close to having a mental breakdown. He couldn't bear the feeling of the one person he admires the most be disappointed at him. "Okay, explain. You have 50 seconds." She faced him.

The anemic man looked at her and took a deep breathe while she started counting. "The bet was whoever knows you the most will have the other person help the winner to make you fall for the winner. I know it was a stupid bet. It was immature, yet I participated anyway." His tears began to fall.

Of course (Y/n) looked away so she wouldn't just give in and forgive him. "I was just insecure. I never would think that you'd like me more than a friend." He muttered and sighed. "I liked you for a long time now." Choso finally confessed as her ears perked up and glanced at him with a pout. Heck, how can she stay mad at this man for too long?

Choso began to hesitate whether he should add it or not but he took a risk and clenched his fists and looked away. "I-I guess what I'm trying to say is... Can you be the Pucca to my Garu?" His face turned red. (Y/n)'s eyes sparkled as she went to him and hugged him.

The hug felt so familiar. It felt like they have known each other since forever. Like two lost souls finally able to find each other again after am eternity. "That was so cheesy." Those words. It made Choso's heart ache, not because it hurt him because he heard it before.

A cackle left his lips as he puts a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Yet it got you to hug me, hm? Not bad for an old curse like myself." He grinned as she shook her head playfully and kissed him. At first it was just soft and light until they got too into the moment until a flash was seen.

Choso got into a fighting stance as she did the same. If it was the students, they would have known but it wasn't them. They could feel it. Who was this pervert taking pictures of them while having a soft moment together? That was until a meow was heard from the tree.

"No! Shhh!" The person scolded someone as the two carefully approached the tree. Another meow. "Pierro!" She saw her cat. Choso was shocked too until they saw a woman. It was Zeina. (Y/n)'s friend. "God damn it Zeina, we thought you were a creep or something!"

Zeina explained how she got there, it was because Pierro wouldn't stop meowing at her and destroying her place. The cat was currently in his owner's embrace and glaring at Choso who was a bit close with his slave. He gave Choso a hiss and a growl but he didn't listen and just ignored him.

"I can see that lil Pierro has a rival." She smirked. "Well, if it's alright with you and Yuji, can I have Pierro at the sleepover?" (Y/n) asked as the man nodded since he wanted to bond with her cat, hoping he would like him too.

Soon, they went back to Yuji's place and everyone was watching a movie while Gojo and Panda were reflecting on their actions earlier. When they heard the door open, they saw the three. Nanami was already sleeping as the others greeted them as they explained what happened while (Y/n) introduced everyone to Pierro that somewhat led to him hating everyone until his eyes laid on Gojo.

That cat and man had serious beef with each other. Apparently his limitless didn't see Pierro as a threat so when the cat jumped to him and started scratching him, he started crying like a baby causing them to laugh.

And yes, all good things come to an end. Almost all of them fell asleep on the floor with a futon that everyone brought with them individually but Choso invited (Y/n) to sleep on his bed. Once the woman settled in and Pierro finding a secret space to sleep in, she grabbed his arm before he stood up.

"Choso.. I want you to stay here with me." She gulped as to which the man followed. He layed down beside her as she buried her face on his chest while he smiled, slowly warming up to the hug as he started patting her head. "Thank you.. I can see that Yuji's lucky to have a big brother like you."

Her words definitely sparked something inside of him. A small smile formed on his face as he hummed. "You're the youngest in you're family, yes?" He asked while she nodded. "Then we're probably meant to be. Oldest and youngest, right?"

A laugh escaped her lips as she hugged him while he was caressing her head while he used his other hand to take his buns off. "I want to stay like this forever." Those were the final words she said before she fell asleep.

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