003 shameless tension.

Start from the beginning

"Gotta go. Can't be late to Geometry again before teach sends you to the principal again for making a smart remark towards him again." Caroline grabbed Mari's wrist at that. "Hey, it's not my fault he can't get some. It's 2023!" Marianne's voice echoed across the halls, just as the two disappeared then.

"I gotta go too. I gotta find Olly and ask him for the English notes." "Why would you ask Olly for English notes when you're a junior and he's a senior?"

"Hello?! It's called staying ahead of the game! Let me know if Shedevils 1 and 2 cause you any issues okay?!" Madeline blew a kiss toward me, walking backwards as she ran towards her next class, leaving only me by my now again open locker.

I sighed softly and for some reason, I couldn't help my eyes from travelling to gaze upon Milo and Billie as she laughed at something Milo had whispered into her ear before kissing her lightly, which made me look away abruptly then.

I knew he was a good for nothing cheater but I couldn't help but imagine myself in Billie's position then. When Milo would spare me kisses and sweet whispers about how I was the best girlfriend in the world and how he wouldn't trade me for anyone else and that he'd promised to never let me go. That he loved me more than anything in the world. And I blindly believed his foolish words.

Last time I make that mistake.

"You know, you shouldn't waste your time staring upon them. Just kinda makes you look like a stalker, you know?" I rolled my eyes, turning to face Connor's figure leaned against my locker, his arm slouched against the other lockers, a small smile spread across his face.

"Glad to know you still have jokes this morning," I muttered, already annoyed at his presence. "What, you aren't even gonna look me in the eyes, princess?"

I slammed my locker shut again at that. I don't why he was so adamant into calling me princess but I knew he wasn't calling me such for good reason. He practically only lived to see me get fired up.

"What do you want Connor?" I turned to look into his eyes, the same smirk still widened across his face and an obvious frown on mine at how he was finding my annoyance towards him amusing. "You know, I did mean what I said. You shouldn't be waste your time, staring at them. They aren't worth it, the pair of them."

I had to stop myself from widening my eyes at Connor's nicety towards me before narrowing them, a skeptical look now evident on my face. "Now, why are you staring at me like that?" He sighed, as if he already had some knowing of what I was going to say next.

"Nothing, it's just..oddly weird to have you being nice towards me.." I tilted my head, my eyes still narrowed.

"Believe it or not, I can actually be a decent person when I want to be, love." Connor stated before standing up straight and that's when I noticed he was slightly sweaty, which meant he'd probably just came out of early hockey practice.

"Hey. Eyes up here princess." I jolted slightly at the sound of Connor's fingers clicking together. "I wasn't checking you out weirdo. I just happened to notice your..really sweaty figure.." I trailed off then before staying quiet because generally, what else could I have said without making it seem like I was checking him out?

Which I wasn't, by the way!!

"I never said you were checking me out but thanks for the reassurance." Connor retorted, his lingering smirk staring right at me as he brushed past me. "Later princess!"

"I said stop calling me that!" "You know I don't follow the rules these days, sweet blondie!" Connor yelled back before disappearing and I rolled my eyes again.

Just a few more months and he would be gone and I wouldn't have to deal with him again.

Just a few more months and he would be gone and I wouldn't have to deal with him again

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dakota speaks !
not that anyone asked
but i got my first hate
comment !!

that's not even a good
thing but i just wanted to
announce that cause it's
honestly so laughable to see
people spend time out of
the day to hate likee😂

but i'll release another
chapter tomorrow !!

but i'll release another chapter tomorrow !!

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strniolo, circa 2023.

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