Bridget starts clapping excitedly, Gristle looked confused and while Ruby was standing next to Bridget as she had a small smile on her face and was curious on what her Troll friend had in mind. Poppy then walks on the stage and says "Lady and gentleman, we are here to solve your problems!" and this made Bridget ask in confusion "We have problems?" and Poppy ignored Bridget's question as she says "But don't worry. We have the solution. You guys need a new holiday!" and Bridget asked "Why do we need a holiday?" and then Poppy says as she asked "How else are you gonna get presents and wear awesome costumes and play 'How many marshmallows can you fit in your mouth?'".

"Hundred and seventy-two. Beat that" Cooper says as his mouth was filled with marshmallows and then a marshmallow comes out from Cooper's nose and this made Ruby snicker before saying to herself "Make that hundred and seventy-one now" and then Gristle asked "My goodness, excuse me. Have you not been getting our cards back?" and Branch comes in and says "Uh, yeah. I especially love the Wednesday one. You know, it really made me appreciate the middle of the week" and Gristle says to Bridget in triumph "Middle of the week. Told ya, babe" and then Poppy says "Look, we care about you guys, and we want to make sure you have something to celebrate. And here's the great news. The Trolls have, like, a kajillion holidays, so you can have one of ours!" and Bridget says "That's cool! I guess" and Poppy says "Yeah, it is!".

The lights go out and Poppy starts singing.

🎶You're looking for a holiday🎶

🎶And there's a million things🎶

🎶To celebrate🎶

Poppy lands in front of the Snack Pack as they are vocalizing while holding glowing fireflies as Poppy continues singing.

🎶Your life is bland right now🎶

🎶But that's okay🎶

🎶Prepare your minds to get blown away🎶

The lights turn back on and everyone is dancing around.





Poppy and Branch:🎶Holi-day!🎶

Branch:🎶Poppy, break it down!🎶

Poppy:🎶The first holiday🎶

🎶We're presenting to ya🎶

🎶A sparkly shiny day🎶

🎶Called Glitterpalooza🎶

🎶Homie Guy Diamond, take the mic🎶

Poppy and Branch:🎶And give the Bergens🎶

🎶Somethin' they gonna like🎶

Guy Diamond:🎶When you wake up in the morning🎶

🎶Whether it's sunny🎶

🎶Or whether it's stormy🎶

🎶Open the door for a big surprise🎶

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