Christian returned to his desk, a quiet determination in his steps, ready to resume his work despite the emotional turbulence that lingered in the air. As he approached, he noticed his assistant standing outside his office, a somber expression etched on her face. A police officer stood beside her, and the sight immediately raised a knot of unease in Christian's stomach.

The police officer introduced himself with a stern expression, and Christian's pulse quickened. Something was wrong. The air inside the office seemed to thicken as Christian and the officer stepped inside, the weight of the impending news settling on both of them.

With a solemn tone, the police officer delivered the devastating news of the accident.

Officer Daniels solemnly delivered the tragic news to Christian. "Mr. Horner, I'm sorry to inform you that there's been an accident involving Camille Heroux and her daughter, Alexandra. At 7 pm this evening, they were involved in a car accident near Brexton's A14. It was a high-speed collision, and Camille has unfortunately passed away. Alexandra is currently in critical condition at St Helens Hospital."

Christian's eyes widened, shock and grief mingling on his face. "What?" he managed to ask, his voice strained. "I don't believe you...Is this some kind of sick joke? Who sent you here?"

"James, Camille's son, specifically asked for you to be informed. He also wanted you to know that you're welcome to come to the hospital," Officer Daniels explained, his tone filled with sympathy.

Christian's mind reeled, the weight of the news sinking in. "James... Is he okay?" Christian inquired, concern etched across his face.

Officer Daniels nodded. "He's understandably shaken, but physically unharmed. He wasn't in the car."

Christian's thoughts raced as he processed the information. "Thank you for letting me know," he finally said, his voice heavy with sorrow.

"I'm truly sorry for your loss, Mr. Horner. If there's anything I can do, please don't hesitate to ask," Officer Daniels added, offering a compassionate gesture in the face of the devastating news. "I don't know if you are religious, but I want you to know that I'll be keeping Alexandra in my prayers tonight."

The reality hit Christian like a freight train, leaving him momentarily breathless. The proposal speech, the planned freesias, the vision of a future with Camille—all dissolved into the cruel certainty of loss.

Christian's mind reeled, struggling to comprehend the sudden and irreversible change. The room seemed to close in on him as grief surged through his veins. Camille, who had been a cornerstone in his life, was no longer a part of the world.

A numbness settled over him, and he looked at the police officer, seeking answers amid the overwhelming sorrow. The officer continued to provide details, explaining the circumstances of the accident and the fate of Alexandra, who was now in critical condition, fighting for her life.

Christian glanced at the photograph in his office, and the police officer did the same. That photo was no longer something to be recreated by Christian once he married the love of his life.

She was gone.

As Christian absorbed the tragic reality, his thoughts raced. The carefully crafted proposal speech now echoed with a bitter irony. 

The freesias, meant to symbolize love and commitment, became a poignant reminder of what could never be.

Tears welled up in Christian's eyes, unshed and heavy. The room, once filled with the promise of a proposal, now bore witness to the shattering of dreams and the beginning of a painful journey through grief.

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